Chapter Four: The Late Meeting With All Might

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All Might walked down the outdoor pathways of UA, watching the sunset as the orange warm light of spring encased the grass and trees of the schoolyard. He couldn't help but feel the ominous feeling of All for One looming over the current state of society, as if he were watching at every turn. Shigaraki, his teacher's grandson, kept flowing into the eighth user's mind.  The idea of having to take down a lost soul...

"All Might!" a voice called out from behind. All Might sighed, shoving the thought into the back of his mind. Now wasn't the time with bigger stakes at hand. The older man turned to see the forest haired boy dashing towards him.

"Young Midoriya! Good to see your legs are still working," All Might chuckled as Izuku stopped in front of him.  Izuku scratched the back of his head while he returned the quiet laugh.

"Well, more or less. My legs feel like jelly..." Izuku said, stretching his legs out a bit. "I will never let Eri run ahead again..."

"Maybe that would be for the best," All Might said with a smile, however his eyes grew serious only moments later. "How are you holding up, m'boy?"

Izuku gave All Might a confused look, raising an eyebrow as he stood up straight.

"What do you-" Izuku began, however All Might raised a hand to stop the boy.

"Young Midoriya, there's only so many punching bags you can go through before the teachers are informed. You're stressing over this mission aren't you?"

Izuku's face fell before the student looked towards the pavement.

"I can feel it All Might. All for One, or at least his quirk. It's growing stronger inside of Shigaraki, I think I know where it is too. The only thing is... I'm worried I'm being led, maybe guided being a better term. I'm just not sure if it's by One for All... or All for One." Izuku said, looking down at the green sparks now coming out from his fingertips. "I just... I wish I had a bit more knowledge on it. I feel kinda alone with it."

All Might put his hands behind his back as his shadowy blue eyes dimmed. Those words were crushing to the older teacher. This was all so new, the idea of One for All having its own consciousness. The quirk had taken over before, during Izuku's personal missions and even once during the Sports Festival, usually anytime when Izuku's will had been ironclad. None of this had ever happened to All Might during his almost forty years of wielding One for All, and all the old user could give was his support. However, something didn't add up.

"Young Midoriya, weren't you able to communicate with the previous users?" All Might asked curiously. "Wasn't it called the One for All Realm?"

"Yeah, but I still can't properly get in..." Izuku said, now balling up his fist as he stared down at the scars etched into his hands. "It's like... it's like One for All is waiting. Seeing how things play out. It feels more like the quirk has more control over itself than I do. If it needs to talk to me, then it will. Or I guess, they will. At least that's what it feels like."

"How much of One for All can you control power wise?" All Might asked. Izuku stayed silent as he stared down at his hand before amazing amounts of green energy began coursing around the boy. Izuku jumped into the air, punching upwards towards the clouds . An explosion of air pressure blew from the scar covered fist into the sky, a pillar of wind circling into the air, creating a hole in the orange clouds above.

All Might watched as Izuku landed, a black coiling substance around his arm. Izuku winced as his feet slammed onto the ground, his arms shaking a bit. The previous number one hero couldn't help but admire the boy's mind. He had wrapped Black Whip around his arms to brace for impact...

Izuku gasped for air as Black Whip disappeared as his hands now rested on his knees.

"I'd say that was around 50%," Izuku said, wiping sweat from his brow. "I can only do it if I wrap Black Whip around my arms. If I had my gloves, used Black Whip, and I really pushed myself, I could hit about 75% for only a bit. I can't use Black Whip for very long and I'm sure my body would give out for a bit if I used it too much."

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