Chapter 2

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I had gotten home from another horrible day at school and immediately ran to my room. I wanted to have little to no contact with anyone at the moment. I run into my room and slam the door, shaking the walls with the force put into it.

I open my backpack and take out the journal that I had taken to bed with me. I open it and see my handwriting all over it. The words written on the page were described in great detail. Much better than what I could have done if I were awake.

I have a weird sort of thing that goes on with my hand at night. When I'm asleep, my hand writes down what I see in the dream. I don't know why, but it happens. Its been going on since... Since the accident...

I found out I had this ability when one night I was writing in my journal of today's events when I suddenly fell asleep. I wake up and see that the dream I had seen was described on the paper. I never told anyone except for my best friend, Brittany. She said that it was a gift, I see it more as a really bad embarrassment.

I read the words of what was written and replay what I could remember of the dream...

The room...

The village...

The man...

Before I could indulge myself any further in my journal, a knock sounds on my door...

"Dani?" Dad called from the other side if the door. "Can I come in?"

I shove the journal into my bag with a quiet gasp. I then threw it to the side of my bed that was hidden from the doors view.

"Yeah, come on in,"

The door creeks open and in comes my dad that I loved so much. He looks at me with a tired smile. He continues to enter the room and sits on the bed with me.

"Dani, I want to ask you, what do you think about going to Yemendaria? I want to know your honest opinion on it, because I know that you won't ever discuss anything like that with Audrey."

He could read me like an open book. He and I had always had this connection with each other and so it wasn't hard to tell when the other was feeling tired, angry, scared, or anything in between.

"I honestly think the idea is a good one but I'm not too enthusiastic about going anywhere with that woman. I know it sounds harsh but its the truth."

I saw the look on his face and knew that he understood my reasoning. I could swear up and down that he knew me better than I knew myself.

Without a word he gets up off the bed, hugs me and kisses the top of my head, then leaves me.

Well that was unexpected.

I quickly take a shower and let my hair air dry. I quickly hop in the bed and get ready for sleep. I was actually thinking that I could get away from her... But dreams are exactly what they are... Dreams.

Audrey came into my room a little after 11 pm. I was by no means asleep yet, so when she came through the door, I knew what was coming.

The movie Marvel's Avengers, when the Hulk starts beating the crap out of Loki, the after effects of his face is what I looked like all over only 3 times worse. I could barely move. There was blood on my lip and face. I had bruises the size of Canada all over my body.

I will give this to Audrey, she has a wicked right hook.

Not three seconds later my phone rings. I check it out and see through the caller I.D. that the person is Brittany.


There was a pain in my chest as I answered the phone. I didn't know what was going on but it hurt so bad. I tried my hardest not to let Brittany hear, knowing she was going to freak out more if she heard.

"Are you OK? Do I need to come over there? I'm not doing anything over here so don't you dare lie to me."

The pain in my chest increased drastically and I almost screamed.

"Brittany..." It came out as a whisper... And before I could register what was going on, the phone slipped out of my hand and I dropped to the floor.

The last thing I remember before I passed out was Brittany's screaming...


I wake up to the sound of soft crying in the room. I had no idea how I had gotten from the ground onto the bed but sure enough I was there. There were bandages across my mid-section and all over the rest of my body, preventing a lot of my movement.

I look around and I could see that I was still in my room and everything was still in order, everything was normal, except for my best friend on the bed with me crying her eyes out.

Before I could take a breath to soothe her, she tries and fails at wiping her tears away. She tries at putting on a brave face and says to herself, "Come on, get a hold of yourself... Dani would not have you crying like this. She would say, 'get a hold of yourself you big baby, there ain't no use crying over something you can't fix'.

"Dang right..." I whispered.

Her head flies upwards and looks at me with hopeful eyes. She sees that I am OK more or less and she flings herself at me.

She hugs me so tight that I swear that she was going to kill me... But then she starts talking and my previous thought about what she was doing to me made me want to repent of my sin.

"I thought you were dead... (Sniffle)... Your heart... It wouldn't start... (Sniffle)... There was so much blood... You had a concussion and you weren't breathing..." She was steadily getting louder with every word and her crying was getting louder as well.

"Shh!!!" I soothingly stroke her back as she cried on me.

I had scared her into thinking that her best friend was dead. I didn't do it on purpose, but that's what happened and I felt horrible about it.

I let her cry on me, I usually don't do this to anyone, but with near death experiences I tend to let things slide.

After a few minutes, Britt-Britt finally calmed down enough to actually speak without breaking down.

"I was so scared. I thought that lady had finally done you in. I can't imagine a life without you. You're my best friend and I don't want to loose you."

"Girl, it's best if you just smack yourself stupid right now because you're a dumb-bunny if you think I'm going to leave you. Even if that step-monster does me in one day I ain't leaving you here alone. I'm gonna send an angel to take care of you, but if he can't do the job I'm gonna have to kick his butt and do it myself."

She laughs and clings tight to me. I hug her back and then spoke up again in all seriousness.

"But I swear if make me come down here out off my life of cheeseburgers, Dr. Pepper and large fries then we gonna have a problem!"

"You know what I might just save that lady in there the trouble and send you there myself where you stand... Or is lie the correct term? Or is laying down horizontal?..."

"Girl! Just shut up! You're rambling again!"

We laugh, and laugh, and laugh... I almost didn't have the heart to tell her we were moving tomorrow after the graduation ceremony.

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