Chapter 3

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"Honey, I am sooo proud of you!"

My father was acting like one of those over emotional mothers at their graduation. His eyes were glazed over with unshed tears and he was smiling like a maniac. That's why I loved him so much.

Audrey on the other hand was just sitting in her seat looking down at her phone, probably on Facebook or something like that. It made me want to smack her in the face.

"Dani!!!!" Not a second after hearing that I'm tackled to the ground by non other. "Dani, we've finally graduated! Oh my gosh I'm so excited! We're finally going to be able to move out and start living our lives! Its FANTASTIC!!!!"

After her little five year old excitement rave, she finally saw the look on my face.

"Don't worry, we'll keep each other posted on what's going on, and before you know it we'll be sharing that ranch you were always dreaming about that has tons of cows, sheep, horses, and a little gold fish named Fred! But in the mean time, you're gonna go to Yemendaria, go have fun and meet a cute guy so that I can embarrass him into treating you right. Trust me, you're going to have so much fun that you're not even gonna realize that I'm not there."

She hugged me at the end of her speech and I let her for once. I almost literally have not left this girls side since I first met her in the third grade. I'm not gonna be a chicken and say that I'm not a little reluctant to leave her, because I am. I scared to death, but she doesn't need to know that. I have to be strong for her; in a sence, she looks up to me as a guide. Someone to lead her into the right direction, so when she sees that her big sister(almost) is bawling her eyes out, she could see that hope was gone from the world never to be seen again. I can't and won't have that for her.

"I'll keep you posted on everything that's going on. You'll know everything that's happened to me that day and then we're going to fangirl about it all night long!"

We laughed for afew moments, then my father called out to me the words I have been dreading all day.

"Dani! It's time to go!"

A flash of fear reached my face before I forced it aside. Brittany, though, didn't seem to miss a beat.

She pulled me into a hug and promised to keep in touch with me. I was going to miss her so much.

I turn around to face my father and step-monster. I still didn't want to go with them. I turned my head to look at Brittany again. She smiled and said go on, and see ya when you get back. I waved at her and said see ya, turning slowly back to the dark future that lied before me.

To say I was scared was the understatement of the century...


"Isn't it glorious out here?"

'Yeah, just a big ball of fun' I thought to myself.

We had arrived at the Yemendarian airport about thirty minutes before now after a long night of flying. I was lucky enough to get a window seat while dad got the middle, thankfully leaving step monster on the outside so that she could get all the bad effects of flying. (Sucks to be her!)

Anyway we get to the airport and the first thing we see when we walk out the front doors of the airport was a beautifully colored elephant.

The funny part about it was that step-monster was too engrossed with her phone talking mushy-mushy with some dude named Tommy, that she didn't bother to see the thing standing in front of her and she just smacks right into it.


She plops on the ground and looks up at the great beast.

"Filthy animal!!"


A woman about the age of 26 comes out from behind the beautiful elephant and made her way toward the step-monster about when I did.

The woman had a tan on her that was one hundred percent all-natural. She was tall, about 5'10'', and she had brown hair that when put up would reach around the bottom if her shoulder blades. She had muscles that also appeared to be all natural from doing work all her life. But her must striking feature were her eyes. Emerald green.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Audrey just stands there in shock at the sight of the huge woman, unable to speak.

"I- uh....."

"'I....uh...'I want a real answer from you. You think you can just up and start insulting people's elephants like they have no feelings? Well let me tell you something, Missy. Insult my elephant and I'll mess up your face!"

"I second the motion!" I spoke without meaning to, but since I already spoke I might as well act on without pinning on someone else.

The lady looks at me and then questions, "Who are you?"

I step up to her and extend my hand to her for her to shake.

"Hi, I'm Daniella Brooks. This is my step-monster, I mean stepmother, she didn't mean any harm to your beautiful elephant. She just has a hard time hearing the," I put my finger in my mouth and make a *pop* sound.

The lady smiles and laughs at me. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine."

I smile at my new best friend. "OK! Let's get this show on the road!" She calls.

She starts speaking the language of the natives and more elephants were brought into the area...

This was gonna be SO AWESOME!!!

OK guys, for anyone of you who didn't get the reference about the pop thing... Dani was infering that step-monster had her head in her butt when she ran into the elephant...

And in case you haven't figured it out... LOVE ELEPHANTS! They're so cute! Especially the babies!!!!

Anyway, please comment and I'll be out with chapter 4 ASAP.

-Jenny <3

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