Chapter 4

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I do realize that it is a hawaiian song off of Lilo and Stitch. But it was the only happy song I could think of at the moment so no judging! Anyway enjoy the story and vote and comment and all that good stuff!

"Oh my God this is so cool!" I almost scream.

We were literally on the beautiful elephants and riding up a mountain on them. The jungles were beautiful with lushious green underbrush and unbelievably tall trees. There were vines that hung from the trees as we walked by. There was a clear path to show the way so no problem there.

The sounds of the jungle were so calming. I could listen to it all day and have absolutely no problem. I was so at peace I could die... That is until Audrey opened her big mouth.

"Come on people! Why can we not just take a car and get there? Instead of riding these beasts?"

The lady- who turns out to be our guide, whom I also found out is named Jess- turns around on her elephant and gives step-monster a death stare.

"You can always walk the rest of the 15 miles. Its your choice."

I was actually starting to relax again after she shut up; I began to pay attention to the scenery around me.

I heard a twig snap next to me and my head immediately swivels to where the sound came from. I looked intensely into the brush.

What was that?

The bushes rustle again and then next thing I see is orange and black.


Cliff hanger!!!!!
Sorry its so short, but I couldn't help myself...
I will begin writting (burp!)......presently. Now you'll all excuse us...
Who knew the reference? Come on you know you want to answer...
Anyway, vote comment and I'll get back with you next with a story.

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