Chapter 7

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Dani's POV

Oh... My... God....

This cannot be real... I am standing here touching a tiger.... A wild tiger! I have waited for so many years to actually see one at least in a zoo, but here I am,touching one, that... could... eat me at any second...

The tiger makes a sniffing sound, as if he's testing the air, and then backs away from my hand. For some reason I felt a loss when it moved away. Like a kid who had just had their security blanket taken away from them.

The tiger looks into my eyes and stairs into them. It then, instead if eating me or running away like I thought it was going to do, it lays down on the ground with its head between its paws. It almost looked... Innocent...

I can't let my guard down; this is a wild animal and can kill me at any second he wanted to. But I can't ignore what was going on right before my eyes. This tiger, this beautiful tiger, was trying to show his innocence to a human girl. A human that is sometimes part of a tiger's whole complete breakfast...

This was dangerous, I knew I was looking death in the face and was about to spit in his eye, but I couldn't not know any longer...

I got down on my knees, a movement that didn't go unnoticed by the beast. He lifted his head some but then remained still, watching me as I move about. On my knees, I stare into his eyes, something you are definitely not supposed to do. I sit there and stare...

The tiger looks back at me and gently stands and moves toward me. My heartbeat picks up and I almost flinch when his mouth is less than 3 inches away from my face. What was he doing? Well I guess that's the question nowadays, what's going to happen if I do this. But I think I'm about done with this world, it's been cruel to me in more ways than one.

But- as fate would have it- life just loves f-ing with me... As soon as I think the cat is finally going to end this horrible existence, he licks me...

Gabriel's POV

I think I'm about done with this world.... Its been cruel to me in more ways than one.

I heard her thoughts!!! I can hear her thoughts!!!! There is absolutely nothing that is going to stop me from making her mine. I was so happy that I unintentionally licked her on the face. But it wasn't one of those lovey dovey little ones, this was the kind that you get from those huge goofy dogs those Americans have. It just went every where with one swipe! I was embarrassed with myself for doing that to her, but I couldn't help a laugh when I saw her face...

She looked like an angry six year old, her cheeks were puffed out and everything. Boy, I really wished I had a camera right about now.

She looked at me funny when she heard me laugh at her, but then I heard her laugh as well.

"Oh, you think that's funny do you?"

"Well what do ya think of this?"

She reached down into the water and scooped some into my face. To be honest, it scared the crap out of me...

BUT IN MY DEFENSE!!!! It is proven that even a twig can scare the mess out of someone if they have the element of surprise... So don't go hating on me.

"She's going to pay for that..." Damien spoke evilly through the connection.

"Play nice, she is human." I reminded him and let him have his fun.

He took over control slightly and he began to play with her. Sometime after an hour or so she had gotten cool, which is next to impossible in this region, so she put on some clothes.

If only she knew the man that was standing before her...

I wanted her, I am not ashamed to say it. I wanted to make her my mate, my queen, I wanted to let her meet my mother and sisters. I wanted to show her off to my people.

There were so many things that I wanted, but I knew all of them would have to wait. My mate knew nothing of my world, so the question is...

How do I show my human form to her and not scare her off?

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