Chapter 9

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Gabriel's POV

I peeked through the bushes. Night had fallen and I knew now was my time to put my plan into action.

I could see the elephants resting at a nearby pond. I am surprised that they haven't raised an alarm by now of my presence. Probably because they hate that crude woman just about as much as I do.

No, not even close....

I shift my attention back to the tents. The one that my mate was staying in was farthest from the fire. That isn't a very smart place to put your tent but it was too late to do anything about it now.

At last, the last lamp went dim at the campsite. No doubt it would be Jess. I had sent her to find a job and help with bringing in some finances. But I didn't know that she would be here until I caught her scent as I arrived. I waited about an hour before I did anything. I didn't want the humans to wake up while I put my plan out on the board.

Time flew quickly, and before anything could ruin my plan, I stepped out from the cover of the brush and set out to find the one who dares to harm my mate. I tip-toed through the tulips!

No.... Just... Just no....

I stepped quietly through the camp in search of Aubrey. I looked through each tent and finally found her.

She was sleeping with a man that had the same general features as Danielle. Well I shouldn't say sleeping. Sleeping would imply that she was peaceful, when in fact she was sprawled out on the floor with limbs in every possible direction, her mouth was open and she had quite a bit of drool coming out of it.

Um----- o-okay? Um....

I shake my head and tried to get my mind back on the task at hand. I let out a slight growl at the thought of my mate being hurt at the hands of this..... Thing! that was before me. It made my hackles raise on their own accord and a snarl form on my face.

I begin to enter her tent when she suddenly moves. Not wanting to be discovered by anyone, I leap out of the tent and race back to the bushes, hoping that no one had saw me.

I waited a good minute and a half before Aubrey came out of her tent. She had a flashlight in her hand and her eyes told me that she wasn't quite awake yet. She crawled out of her tent and walks in the direction of the jungle.

I make sure and hid well in the brush to cover up my orange fur. If she was going into the jungle then this was going to be easier than I thought.

I follow her deeper into the jungle and wait for her to become as vulnerable as possible. Right as she was fixing to do her business, I began to ready myself to strike at her. That was until I was knocked off my feet.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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