Chapter 6

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Gabriel's POV

I am completely and utterly bored. I wanted nothing more than to get out of this stupid meeting about something that could have been taking care of three hours ago!

"Look," I spoke above the escelating voices of my addivsors that I should just fire and get it over with. "I know that you guys are all trying to get your piece in, doing what you believe is best for the tribe. But in actuality you are just pissing me off. So you're all fired, I expect your junk out of the palace by tomorrow." I stand to exit the room," Have a pleasant evening."

I leave the room and start toward the exit of the building. The walls and in fact this entire structure is made completely out of stone... The only things in the building that isn't made of (or at least not entirely) stone are the people and the furniture. My beast was restless, so I thought it would be best if I ran off some of this pent up energy.

I run out of the doors and breeze past my people... I run straight for the jungle and phase into my beast. The stripes on my back helped me to blend into my enivornment, though not completely. I run as far as I can and don't even care where I was going. I could be headed straight for a human village and I would not give a hoot'n holler... My beast knew where it was going, he wanted something but I couldn't tell what.

I ran and ran until I was exhausted. I happened upon a waterfall that drained into a pool that was completely filled with fish. There was one fish that looked like it could weigh about ten pounds. I was so focased on the fish that I didn't see the human that was coming toward the pool.

I backed up into the bushes so that the girl wouldn't see me... She was gorgeous!!!! She had dark brown hair that came to her waist and blue eyes, her skin was medium tan with freckles dusted on her high cheekbones. She stood around 5'5'', so short compared to me. She was staring into the pool with wide excited eyes. Eyes that I wish were trained on me with love over flowing.

"Keeper," Damian ( my beast) speaks to me through thought.


Before I knew what was going on, my keeper starts to strip out of her clothing. Although I knew she couldn't see me, I turned my eyes away, with Damian screaming at me to keep looking. I knew that if she found out that I had defiled her privacy before we mate she might not ever speak to me again after that.

Assuming that she even gives me the time of day after she figures out what I am...

I hear a splash and swivel my head toward the sound. I see ripples going through out the pool, and by size of them, I would say that she just ran off in there...

I began to get worried... There are poisenous snakes out here that have no problem of taking a swim and investigating something. There are also many other aquadic dangers that are a dangers to a human.

She hasn't come out of the water yet, I felt as if my fears were becoming realized.... I ran out of the cover of my bushes and ran towards the water. But as usual, me being impatient me, I didn't wait for her to suddenly burst from the waters surface with a gasp. There was no time for me to return to my hiding spot, no she had seen me and now, now my beautiful keeper is stareing at me with fear filled eyes.

Oh goddess, what have I done?

Dani's POV

I was wading in the water, just staring at it. The most beautiful creature I had ever seen, standing right there at the waters edge, looking at me. His eyes were the ones that are used for hunting and scouting for danger, but this time, he uses them to look at me.

There was something about his eyes that made me think that there was something human in there, like there was a human trapped inside a tigers body.

I didn't even notice myself coming closer and closer to it until my hand was less than a centimeter away from his face.

Yellow EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang