Chapter 5

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"We'll make camp here."

The elephants were brought to their knees and we got off to set up camp. There were bundles on the rear elephant, inside were the materials needed for the tents.

Everyone was pitching in and helping out.... Well, except for Audrey...

"Hey!" We all turn from what we were doing to stare at her, wondering what she wanted now. "Who wants to be the first person to get me a soda?"

Now, this wouldn't be as bad if she had asked for a water and had been working with the rest of us. But she was sitting on a rock in a sun bathing suit with some sort of aluminum under her chin, while the rest of us are sweating like pigs trying to make camp for us.

It took us a good hour to set up camp with one idio- I mean person down, but we managed without too much trouble. I was going to go straight to my tent and never come out when all of a sudden I smell this God awful scent. I check to see where it came from... it was me...



I walk up to her her and speak quietly to her so others won't hear it as easily...

"Um... is there some place were I can get rid of some of this stink?"

She sort of stood back and looked at me. She bit her lip though trying to cover it up, then all of a sudden I hear a slight chuckle behind me. In turn around to see Jim, one of the workers that came with us to help with loading and unloading luggage, was trying not to laugh and failing miserably at it.

Jess started yelling at him and the others in the Yemendarian language, something I have no interest in trying to learn.

After Jess put the fear if God into them she turned back to me and pointed in a direction. "There is a waterfall and a pool just a little ways that way. Make sure you bring something to change into after you're done... happened once before and I'm still having nightmares about it."

"Thank you,"

I run to my tent and pack a bag full of an extra set of clothes, suntan lotion, sun glasses, and bug repellant. Then I thought better of the bug repellent, thinking that I was gonna do about as good as trying to drown a fish in water.

I run out of the tent and head in the direction that Jess had pointed in earlier. I had to walk through the brush to get there, but I was used to the feel of rocks and twigs under my feet, I used to walk out in the gravel pits so that if I did need to do something quick fast and in a hurry while barefooted I could do so without whining about it.

It felt like fifteen minutes of walking before I met the desired spot. And let me tell you something, you think that that waterfall is pretty, but you have no idea.

Without thinking at all whatsoever, I stripped of my clothing and bolted for the water. It felt like I was in pure bliss, the water had therapudic properties it seemed and I never wanted to get out. I took a deep breath and dived deep into the water, looking around I could see dozens of fish of all shapes and sizes swell as diffent colors of the rainbow.

I began to run out of precious oxygen and arise from the water with a gasp. I look around with a smile on my face... well that was the case until I looked onto the rock that was right next to the waterfall.

Yellow..... Eyes.......

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