Owl incident

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Bella's POV

It's been few days since the fight between Theo and Adrian. Pucey looks at me like he's seen a trash everytime he walks by. I have to hold Theo to stop him from beating him up. Classes have just started and I'm already tired. Proffesors are giving us so much work and it's only have been few days in. I think that Dumbledore mentioned something about some "thing" happening at Hogwarts so that's why we are getting much work. Or at least i hope so. It would be nice to have a distraction from my stupid thoughts.

Slytherin dungeons are peaceful, especially in the early mornings. I love studying there or In the library, it's always so calm.

A slight breeze was outside considering it was almost 6am. The little balcony at the top of the slytherin common room is such a cozy place. I could see Hedwig, my owl Gem and a few more owls flying above the water. It was beautiful. Serene.

Merpeople were close to the castle as well, Merlin knows why. Lake creatures were also peacefully swimming in a murky water enjoying the morning.

I came inside the common room and started working on my essays. I finished potions essay yesterday so the only one that was left was Care of Magical Creatures essay. We were supposed to write a 700 words essay on Glumbumbles and their treacle.

By the time I was finally done it was around 8 so I went to my room grabbed everything that I need for the day, putted on my school uniform, kissed Groot and went to breakfast.

On my way to the Great Hall I said hi to Helga Hufflepuff on her portrait. When I was first year I found out my dad died in the hospital and I couldn't go to him so I was crying. She took care of me and since then she has been nothing but kind towards me. She's such a sweet woman it's incredible and she reminds me so much of my grandmother.

The Great Hall was cozy, as always, filled with hungry students and teachers who's voices fitted so well like they were all part of one harmony. Some first years were running around, some were eating, and some other students were all around Gryffindor table looking at twins' new inventions one of them being my friend group.

"We'll give this to Filch and he will get a rash, easy and effective", Fred was saying proudly nudging his twin.

"And the rash itches really bad so again, effective", added George also looking proud.

Some were laughing, some were excited, some even wanted to buy their rash bonbons. You could see Weasley's happiness from a mile away.

"Keep working like this and your shop will be open next year", I said standing in between twins while I got attention from people around.

"Oh Bells, you scared the shit out of me", Georgie looked at me holding his heart.

"Oh shut up you big baby, you'll be fine." He rolled his eyes at my statement as did Freddie.

"OK now all of you go away I want to eat. Shush shush." he said the last words shushing away people around.

"Alright, alright we're going", someone said going away.

I kissed twins on the cheeks who both gave me a smuggish grins. Idiots.

My friend group and I made our way back to our Slytherin table and started digging in our plates. It was delicious, as always, kitchen elves were doing such a great job which reminded me to go have a little chat with Hermione about our usual "charity" thing for house elves.

Hermione got that idea couple of years ago to help elves and make them cookies and stuff so I joined her and we started doing that. It's not that much of a work for us even though it's a little bit hard but the way that elves face lifts up Is so adorable that makes my heart melt and totally worth the time.

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