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Walking down the corridors of my college was the most infuriating task of the day. The stares which followed me all the time agitated me to no end. I didn't belong in this world, I came from a different star system. But these pesky humans didn't know. It wasn't like I hated the entire human race, some are nice but the probability of coming across one was almost zero.

Coming on Earth and living amongst humans was just a part of my adventure. Now after spending 19 years of my life here on Earth, sometimes makes me question my decision.

"Aerashiiiiii", I winced at the loud scream. Haneul waved at me with the biggest smile on her face. She came running towards me.

"Did you finish your assignment?", she asked me. "Yeah, in 5 minutes actually. It was so easy.", I said sighing.

"What? In just 5 minutes?", Haneul looked at me with shock.

"Yeah dummy. Now let's go.", I said grabbing her hand.

"But—" Before Haneul could say anything else I rushed towards the direction of our class. I was intelligent than the human race as the star system Orion to which I belonged is significantly advanced than Earth. Solving complex mathematical equations was very easy for me. But I didn't come on earth to be a science prodigy. Humans had to figure their shit out themselves, I just came here for the sole purpose of adventure. I was a wanderer. I loved exploration.

Entering the class I spotted a guy sitting in the farthest corner of the room. I didn't pay much attention to my classmates but he looked new. He had a rubix cube in his hand which he was trying to solve with his eyes closed. The movements of his hands were very precise as if it was his 1000th time solving the cube.

"Do you know who that guy is?", I nudged Hanuel. She loved socializing and if the guy was someone who studied in our class, she would definitely know. One of the many reasons why Haneul was my friend is this. She's a social butterfly. Apart from that she's also a nice girl, I can't deny it and she understands personal space. What more could I ask from a friend?

"Naah, I don't think so I have ever seen him in our class or in our university. He seems new.", she said walking towards the middle of the classroom to our desks.

"He looks cute. Do you want his number?", Haneul said smirking.

"You know I'm not interested in anyone. And I definitely don't want his number." I hated this behaviour of her, she always tries to play cupid in my life. Seeing me in a relationship was her ultimate life goal. She would retire from life if she ever saw me with my boyfriend. I'm not saying this, she literally told me one day.

"But that's the most you have looked at a guy.", she said eyeing me with her puppy eyes. She was not wrong in that. I was sure he didn't belong here. He too was a traveller. One look at him and I was sure he wasn't human. He had an aura surrounding me. An aura similar to mine. The reason why I get those stares is because I am an Orion. I looked human but there was something off about me which the human instinct could sense but not detect anything. They have to work hard and it would a long time for them to fully develop all of their senses.

He felt his eyes on me and he opened his eyes to look at me. His hands stopped working on his cube which he dropped it on his lap.

He knew. His gaze gave it all away. There was someone similar to him who was staring at him with the same suggestive stare he was giving me. A light smile broke on his lips. Not a smile, rather a smirk.

"Do you know each other?", Haneul asked me. Her eyes were wide and her mouth open.

"What?", I asked her shrugging.

"You smiled at a guy. I can't believe this." She touched my forehead checking my temperature. This girl is so dramatic.

"He smiled at me, I didn't.", I brushed off her hand. Straightening my back I removed my gaze from him and started taking out my tablet.

"Girl no. I def saw smiling so lovingly at him. It was just you and him and it felt as if I'm watching a movie.", Haneul said dreamily.

"You're out of your mind.", I scoffed at her.

Students started to come gradually and the class got almost packed. No one missed Machine Learning classes, our teacher was amazing at teaching us the subject. Mr. Oh was another person in my list of humans who I respected. He sure was very intelligent.

"Good Morning class. I hope you guys had an eventful weekend.", Mr. Oh entered the class carrying the same enthusiasm he generally carries.

"We have a new student in class?", Mr. Oh said glancing at the back of the class.

"Good Morning everyone. My name is Min Yoongi and I come from the Sirius star system.", Yoongi said with a confident smile on his face.

Is this guy out of his mind? I was freaking out inside. The entire class was dead silent. Even Mr. Oh was staring at him with bewilderment.

Yoongi broke into a fit of laughter after looking at everyone's reaction. "Guys I'm sorry. I was just joking around." He said flashing his gummy smile. His smile was really very cute.

"Well that was some introduction." Mr. Oh said laughing.

Before Yoongi took his seat he looked at me with glinting eyes. His stare was mischievous and icy.

After settling down in his seat he picked up the rubix cube which fell on the floor.

He looked up at and mouthed me the words, "I got you."

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