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After getting yanked up by Yoongi and standing up on my legs again, I launched myself straight at Yoongi. I had my fist ready to punch him straight at his face.
He ducked right at the perfect moment.

He pulled me against his chest, arms curling around my waist. His breath fanning on my neck.

Eww. I hated when anyone came very near to me. And Yoongi was too damn close to me.

"Calm down.", He whispered against my ear.

"Fuck off. Why will I calm down? You tried to kill me.", I lashed out at him.

"You and I both know nothing would have happened even if I let you fall. So stop being a drama queen."

"Me? A drama queen? How dare you? It's you who's acting like Regina George since today morning!"

"Ooohh. Mean girls? I can be more meaner than her.", Yoongi said smirking.

I wiggled my way out of his grasp and faced him.

"I don't want to do anything with you! Get away from me." I said pointing my finger at his chest.

"So Orion huh?", Yoongi asked.

"How do you know so much about me?" I was baffled by the amount of information Yoongi had on me. I literally knew no one who would dare to leak my information. I was very careful regarding these matter. I only knew a bunch of people who belonged to different galaxies and all of them were very close to me.

"Well, that you have to find out yourself." He eyed me and took a seat at the edge of the cliff.

"Come join me?", Yoongi asked patting the seat beside him.

I cautiously took a seat beside him. I didn't want him to attack me any more. I had enough for today.

"Chill I won't do anything.", Yoongi said snickering. I rolled my eyes at that.

"So you really come from Sirius?", I asked curiously.

"Yes M'lady.", Yoongi replied.

"Why Earth?"

"Guess I love adventures. And what else would be better than Earth?", He said laughing whole heartedly.

I looked at him while he was laughing clutching his stomach with his left hand. His eyes crinkled with happiness. A beautiful gummy laugh adorned his cute face. He really looked so precious. My cheeks flushed taking in his appearance. He was an attractive man. I couldn't disagree on this.

I withdrew my eyes from his face and patted my face with my cold palms to ease the visible blush on me face.
Yoongi looked at me confused.

"Uhh what happened? Did I grab you so hard that you lost your mind?"

"Ughh no. Nothing happened.", I stood up on my feet. "I think so I should leave now.",
I declared rubbing my palms together.

"What? Did something happen? I'm sorry I pushed you.", Yoongi said coming forward.

"No! I mean yes. I should leave." And I rushed from there as fast as I could.
Reaching my home I went straight to my bedroom without greeting my parents. I was too flustered to talk to anyone.
I felt very weird and funny inside.

"Honey, are you alright?", My mother called from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Yes mom. I'm fine."

"Do you want to eat something? I can you some Tteokbokki if you'd like."

"No mom. I had a light dinner with Haneul. I'm not hungry.", I called out to her.

"Okay then. The leftovers are in the fridge if you'd feel hungry at night. Just heat it up. Goodnight sweetheart."

"Goodnight mom."

I plopped down on my bed covering my face. Today was a day to remember.
My phone ringed and a notification popped up. It was from Haneul.

[Jungkook called.] It said.

Ughh just what I needed right now! I thought sarcastically.

[What did he want?] I texted Haneul back.

[He just asked about how you're doing. He wants you to sing with him tomorrow. Be his partner.]

[What? Oh hell to the no! You know I'm not ready to sing with him. I have been avoiding him for weeks now!]

[I'm sorry Aera, don't kill me but I confirmed with him that you would accompany him tomorrow for the rehearsals.]

[Are you fucking serious Haneul? How could you after knowing what happened between us? I wanted today's nightmare to end. My head was pounding so loudly after everything that happened today. And by the looks of it tomorrow will be more happening that today.]

[I really don't get you Aera. You and Jungkook were so close. Heck the entire Uni considered you as a couple! Everyone shipped you. And the moment Jungkook confessed his feelings for you, you left?] Haneul replied.

Whatever Haneul said was true. Jungkook was the sweetest guy I had ever met in my life. He loved me, he took care of me. But no one could understand in what dilemma I was. Jungkook was a human and I was just a traveller passing through this dimension. I could never be with him forever. I never came on earth to have deep connections with anyone. It would be sadistic to toy with someone's emotions and leave them when you're time is up. And I could never dream in a thousand years to do such athing with Jungkook let alone anyone.

[Yeah Haneul. Not everyone will understand the position I am in. And it's alright. I'll talk to you later. Night.] Without waiting for Haneul's reply I switched off my phone.

Closing my eyes I recalled the events that unfolded in my life just in the last 20 hours. I was feeling so pressurised. I don't know if I was being dramatic, I probably was. Removing the unsettling thoughts drifting through my mind I slowly let sleep consume me.


I thought of adding this not so big chapter. It's small but equally important.

Hope you like this chapter 🥰

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