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"Pssshhtttt". Haneul tried to gain attention from me during the class but I paid no heed to her.

Soon a paper ball came flying and hit me on my head. I looked towards Haneul and saw her grinning.

"What?", I whisper yelled. She passed me a paper.

Yoongi is continuously staring at you. Turn back. :-P

I tucked my hair on the side of my ear and sneakily turned back only for my eyes to get locked with Yoongi.

The stare he was giving off was intense. It was as if he was trying so hard to tell ne something but failing to do so. Goosebumps erupted on my skin and he made me feel creeped out. What was up with him?

I scoffed and flipped him off, irritated of his cold stare.

"Ms. Moon, I certainly don't expect my students to use indecent gestures in class. And it's quite surprising coming from you."
The entire class was staring at me waiting for my reply. But I had none. It was the first time in my life that I wassl flustered.

"Hmm?", Mr. Oh asked judgingly.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again.", Mr. Oh looked disappointed and started teaching us again.

I turned back and glared at Yoongi. But this time he was innocently copying notes off the board sparing me no glance.

I was done by his outrageous behaviour. What was he even upto? I turned towards my seat again and paid attention to the class, dismissing my thoughts of revenge on Yoongi. It could wait for the moment.

"I think so Yoongi likes you!", Hanuel said excitedly.

"And what makes you think so? It was only because of that jerk my reputation in front of Mr. Oh got down today.", I rolled my eyes.

"You're the most intelligent in our class and Mr. Oh's favorite. He won't think otherwise.", Haneul said patting my back.

"We'll see. Want to grab coffee? We don't have class till 2 pm." I badly wanted a coffee after everything that happened today.

"Yeah, let's go. I too need some caffeine in my system.", Haneul said intertwining our arms.

Reaching the cafe Haneul decided on a Caramel Mocha and I wanted some Java Chip Frappé.

I spotted the jerk sitting alone sipping on what looked like an Iced Americano.
He was looking so innocent sitting their silently reading a book. Didn't he embarrass me just minutes ago?

I received our order and tried finding Haneul who was busy typing on her phone. I started making way towards her.

A person suddenly collided with my shoulder which made the my entire order spill on the floor. My shoes were coated with coffee. I was beyond pissed. Wasn't my day the worst already?

I raised my eyes to see the culprit behind this mess. And it turned out to be the devil. Was he sent to make my life living difficult here? I glared at him trying to kill with my stare.

"Aera, are you okay?", Haneul came rushing beside me.

"You! What is your problem?", If looks could kill Yoongi would be six feet under the ground already.

Uhmm. Sorry I didn't see you. Try wearing heels the next time?", Yoongi smirked and sat on his table.

My blood was boiling. How could he make fun of my height? I was fucking taller than him! Rage and revenge consumed me and all I could see was my target smirking to him.

I grabbed the nearest drink and marched straight towards Yoongi emptying the entire glass on his head.

"And that's what you get for messing with me." I grabbed Haneul's hand and left the cafe.

"I'm sorry for thinking Yoongi liked you. You were right. He is such a jerk.", Haneul said apologetically. We were in the washroom trying to clean up my shoes.

"It's okay Haneul. It's of course not your fault. But please don't try to ship me with someone else in the future", I said patting her head. "Let's go to our next class."

After the college ended me and Haneul parted our ways. She lived quite near to our college but on the other hand I my house was quite far away from the city.

"I'm back.", I declared entering our house. After wearing my home slippers I went straight towards my kitchen. I found some kimbap which my mom made. A cute note was put up on the fridge stating she qent shopping with her friends and won't be back till late evening.
I had the entire house to myself.

Ahh the best feeling ever!

I took the kimbap and plopped down on my bed taking a bite from it. My mind drifted back to the events that unfolded. To say I was angry would be an understatement. That guy really could get under my skin. My mind was floating with thoughts of taking my revenge. I would definitely get back to him.

After a small nap I decided to go on my daily run in the forest. I loved being my true self. Unleashing what the humans would call "powers". But it was just normal for us who belonged to the Orion.

After running in the forest till my heart was full I sat on my favourite cliff. I sighed looking at the beautiful scene in front of me. The small twinkling lights looked very beautiful from here. The weather was getting a bit cold. I hugged my jacket close to me to trap some heat.

Just then something huge collided with my back and I was shoved down the cliff. Was it an animal? A bear? I barely had any time to process how or who shoved me down.
I threw my arms on the edge of the cliff trying not to fall.

A hand caught my struggling arm. I took a breath of relief. I tilted my head up to have a look at who saved me.

There he was at the other end of my arm holding me to prevent me from falling down. A smirk laced on his face. Amusement twinkling in his eyes.

A snarl overtook my face filled with happiness.
Of course, who could it be other than my tormentor?

"Hoist me up you fucking moron", I yelled at him.

"That's no way to treat one of your kind. By the way glad to meet you, Ari." , Yoongi said smiling.

'How did he know my real name?'

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