That White Powder

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There are only so many years Tony has left of life. Seeing a bunch of superheroes and teenagers in the common room covered in white powder and what looks like solid blocks of it behind them probably took some off.

When he got back from a week-long conference, all he wanted to do was to eat a burger, drink some of Bruce's special mango tea, and nap. Can he do that? No, Tony can't.

As soon as the elevator doors opened and Tony saw the living room filled with white powder, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Tony-" Steve began but as soon as Tony lifted a hand he stopped.

Tony walked into the living room and looked around until he found that the armchair had the least amount of powder on it. Sitting down, he leaned back, looked at the ceiling and rubbed his temples, eyes closed.

After a few minutes, he opened his tired eyes and looked at the group of children. There were five legal grown-ass adults and three teenagers who were only a few years away from voting. Mentally groaning, Tony asks himself when he became the responsible adult. Jarvis is probably laughing in the afterlife.

In his most composed calm voice manageable, he begins to speak. "I want to know exactly what happened that resulted in whatever mess this is."

When everyone began to speak at the same time Tony added. "One of you will tell me what happened here. One." When no one spoke, Tony's eyes sought out the teenagers and landed on Peter, who was holding a block. "Pete, what is that?"

"Um...cocaine?" The small voice that left Peter made Tony think about just how young the boy was.

"Why is my kid holding a block of cocaine?" He wasn't angry. Nope, not upset about the fact his 15-year-old mentee is in the presence of illegal substances.

There was shifting from the 'adults'. "Do I have to ask again?"

Steve, the brave soul he was, spoke. "You see, um, we were going to move it to the kitchen when one of the crates broke, so we were moving the blocks one by one instead."

The, again, grown-ass adults nodded as if what Steve said explained why there was cocaine all over the living room with teenagers present.

Tony leaned forward and elbows and covered his face with his hands. "Why are there kids here?" his voice was still steady. Just barely.

"There were too many crates of cocaine, so we needed help..." Sam said quietly.

Folding his hands under his chin, he looked at the stupid bird. "So, you thought that bringing an underage teenager and his friends was a good idea?"

"Um, Mr Stark," The chubby boy next to Peter began. "We were told that we were just going to help with something but not what..."

The curly-haired girl spoke next. "We were studying for our midterms and were going to the bakery for our break when Hawkeye came in a car. He said it was just going to be quick but we've been here for almost two hours."

Tony stood up and began pacing. He spoke to the heroes, his voice growing louder. "You're telling me that you kidnapped three teenagers and had them move highly addictive drugs. Drugs that, evidently, wasn't packaged very well considering that there's cocaine everywhere in this room!"

He stopped pacing and turned to the teenager. Walking over to them, he took in the fact that each of them had white powder all over their clothes, faces and hair.

Tony licked his thumb and tried to wipe some of the powder off Peter's cheek. That's when he realized something.

He turned and stalked over to the irresponsible adults angrily. Pointing at each one of them and spoke. "One, two, three, four, five. Five legal grown superheroes and not one of you thought what could happen if three teenagers had accidentally inhaled any of the powder. Nat, Bruce, I thought one of you would have at least realized that one of these kids has powers and we don't know what cocaine can do to his system. Barton, you'd let your children play with cocaine? All of you are going to explain to me, one at a time with details, what the fuck happened here and why the hell there's fucking cocaine in my goddamned tower!"

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