five || another school day

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"Come on, Henry! We gotta go!" Amber yelled up the stairs. She was worried about being late and Henry was just taking all his time.
"Am, he's like never on time." Cassandra said plainly staring at her nails. "You should seriously get used to it."
Henry ran down the stairs, "Hey! Yeah I am on time... sometimes."
"Jeez, took you long enough. Let's go." Amber complained. The 3 siblings ran to Cassandra's car, the two girls in the front with Henry in the back. "Oh, Cass, don't forget we're getting Grace on our way." Amber reminded her sister.
"Okay, got it." Cassandra sounded a little bit annoyed so Amber decided to stay quiet for most of the car ride, even once Grace got in the car. Henry decided since Amber wasn't talking much, he might as well talk to Grace.
"Hey, Gracie!" He said with a smirk.
"What do you want Henny?" She replied playfully annoyed.
"Someone to talk to. Something's got both of my sisters in a terrible mood so they're no fun." Henry complained.
"You sound like a little kid, Henny." Grace pointed out.
"Says the one who just said 'Henny'" Henry joked.
"Only cause you called me Gracie." Grace replied.
"Whatever." Henry said as they both started laughing.


Amber sat through an insanely boring biology class. The teacher explained the work, then gave them time to do it individually. Amber was sitting, starting her work when she heard her name.
"Hey, um Amber?" a boy's voice said quietly.
Amber turned around and located the boy that the voice belonged to. Adam Banks?
"Uh yeah?" she whispered back. He was sitting right behind her.
"Could I borrow a pen?" Adam asked.
"Oh sure." Amber smiled handing him a spare pen she had.
"Thanks, and by the way, great playing yesterday. Congrats on making the team." he said smiling.
"Thanks, you're on varsity right?" Amber said, making sure.
"Yeah." Adam's smile faltered a little.
"Congratulations, you deserve it, you're a great player." Amber said before turning back around. The rest of biology was silent and boring but Amber didn't mind, she was just excited for math.
"Hey, Charlie." Amber said as he sat down.
"Hey, Amber," Charlie said smiling. "I was wondering, since you're part of the team now, do you wanna sit with us at lunch? You should probably meet everyone else."
"I'd love to!" Amber said excitedly.
"Have you talked to anyone else on the team yet?" Charlie asked.
"Sort of. I talked to Adam last period but I haven't talked to anyone on JV." Amber explained.
"Well I'm sure they'll love you." Charlie smiled. Amber smiled in response. Then, class started.


Amber walked into her study hall and sat down at an open table. That was before she heard two girls calling her over to sit with them. "Amber, come sit with us!" One girl said.
"Yeah, come here." said the second girl.
Amber turned to see Connie Moreau and Julie Gaffney waving at her. She walked over to them happily. She was glad she was becoming friends with her new teammates.
"Hey!" Amber said, sitting in the chair across from Connie, next to Julie.
"Hi!" The girls said in unison.
"Do you have homework to do right now?" Connie asked.
"A little bit, but I can do it later." Amber said. She was planning on starting math but she'd much rather talk to Connie and Julie.
"Cool! So we were thinking, maybe you could sit with us at lunch." Julie said, Connie nodding.
"Oh, yeah of course! Charlie asked me earlier and I told him I would." Amber said smiling.
Connie and Julie quickly looked at each other looking like they were gonna burst into laughter. "Of course he did!" Connie said with that same face of laughter.
"Well, anyways, we're so happy to have another girl on the team! Those boys can get... annoying." Julie joked. "But seriously, congrats! And welcome to the team." she continued.
"Thank you! I'm so excited. I've always loved hockey, I was worried I wouldn't make the team." Amber replied.
"Well, you did great and you totally deserve the spot you got!" Connie replied. Amber smiled happily.
"So, how'd you start playing?" Julie asked.
Amber explained the same things she had told Charlie. About her dad, her childhood, and her brother being on varsity.
"So which one is your brother? Hopefully not one of the rude ones." Connie asked.
"Henry Newton. He's not one of the jerks. He feels sorry for how the team has treated you guys, he told Charlie yesterday." Amber said.
"Good, at least he's not Rick." The two girls laughed.
"Yeah, Rick's a real douche. I've known him for a while. I'm friends with his brother Ross." Amber said, not thinking anything about how the ducks would feel about her being friends with a Riley.
"Really?" Julie said, not in a rude way, just sounding confused.
"Ross is nothing like Rick. He's probably the nicest person I know." Amber assured them.
"Do you think you could have Ross like... talk to Rick?" Julie asked unsurely. 
"I can ask him, but Rick doesn't listen to anyone, even Ross. Actually, especially Ross." Amber said with an annoyed tone. Talking about Rick bothered her. He had always been so mean to her and everyone else.
The girls continued talking until the bell rang. They grabbed their bags and walked towards the exit of the classroom. They continued talking and walking together to lunch. When arriving at lunch, they sat at a table with some of the other ducks. Kenny Wu was over by the varsity team having his lunch stolen.
"What the hell is wrong with them?" Amber thought out loud. They pushed Kenny away and he stumbled over to the ducks' table. "Hey, Kenny!"
"Hey..." He started, not knowing what the new girl's name was.
"Amber. I'm Amber." She smiled sweetly.
"Hi, Amber." Kenny smiled.
"Do you want one of my snacks or something? I could buy you lunch if you want." Amber asked Kenny, feeling bad that he had no lunch.
"No, it's okay, they did that yesterday too and I was fine." Kenny replied.
"Seriously?" Amber said in disbelief. She turned to the varsity players. "Hey preppies! Why don't your spoiled asses buy your own lunch?"
"Shut up, duck." A random varsity player responded. A lot of the other varsity players looked at him, knowing he should not have said that to me.
"What'd you say dude?" Henry stood up for his sister.
"I told the dumbass duck with the big mouth to shut up. Why do you care anyways?" The player from before responded.
"That's my sister." Henry said, looking like he was gonna explode with anger. Henry had always been extremely protective of his sisters, especially Amber.
"She's a JV player and she's practically a duck." They guy said.
Henry said nothing. He just punched him, straight across the face. The boys started fighting, with all eyes on them. A teacher came in, bringing the boys to the discipline office. Amber had never seen Henry so angry. Amber was scared and worried for her brother. Amber stared over to where the fight had happened, at the varsity table. Then, she saw Charlie walk by that spot. She was gonna wave to him, but he was stopped.
Amber's thoughts: Seriously again? What the hell is wrong with this school and it's stupid varsity team?
"Oh come on! My mommy made me brownies." Charlie frowned.
"Yeah." Said Cole. 
"Fresh, warm ones." Fulton complained.
"Hey, it's top bad about your Bash Brother. Heard he was too scared to leave home." Rick said while Cole opened Charlie's lunch bag.
"Portman ain't scared of nothin'." Fulton defended.
Amber noticed Charlie laughing a bit, which made no sense considering he was having his lunch stolen from him.
Cole pulled something from the bag... but it definitely wasn't brownies from the looks of it.
"What the hell kind of brownies are these?" Cole asked with his face covered in confusion.
Charlie continued laughing, even more than before. "I gotta tell her to stop using the horse turds in the recipe!"
Amber burst into laughter as the 3 boys ran away from the varsity team, Rick yelling "Get 'em!"
The running continued as there was chatter, laughter, and yelling filling the cafeteria. The ducks and all the other students following them.


Amber went into english class laughing. Once Charlie arrived and sat down, she spoke. "That was so funny at lunch... and kinda sweet."
"You think horse turd is sweet?" Charlie said with a jokingly confused look.
Amber playfully rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you know what I mean! You stood up for Kenny. That was sweet. You're sweet."
"Thank you, Amber." Charlie said blushing and smiling. "From what I heard, I'm not the only one?"
"Right, I had to yell at them. They were being dicks. They totally deserved it." Amber said.
"I know, they suck." Charlie said annoyed.
"Okay, class! We are starting our projects today. We went over the instructions yesterday and they are on the paper but let me know if you have any questions!" Mrs. Murry said.
"So do we just answer these questions?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah, 'When is your birthday?'" Amber read off the paper.
"August 17th." Charlie responded.
"March 3rd." Amber said.
"How do we make that a full sentence?" Charlie asked.
"Uhh... My birthday is March 3rd, 1981, making me a 14 year old Pisces." Amber said, questioning her sentence a little.
"Yeah that's good. Let me try, I'm Charlie Conway. I'm a 14 year old, almost 6 foot, non-smoking Leo, due to my birthday being August 17, 1981." He said smiling.
Amber giggled, "Charlie, that's so much extra information."
"It's not my fault I'm more interesting than you, Newton." Charlie said, now smirking.
"Shut it, Conway." Amber said and stuck her tongue out at him.
The pair looked at the next couple questions and continued to work on the project. It was a fun project, at least working with Charlie it was.


A/N: For this chapter and future chapters involving the protect: sorry if Charlie's responses weren't right/what you think they should be! If the answers weren't in the movie, I tried to look them up and see what others think or just do what I think it might be. Also that's not his actual birthday because when you look up "Charlie Conway's birthday" it says June 11th, which isn't Leo season so I just made up a birthday that is Leo. Also I'm not sure if that's the right year or not, it would be assuming the movies took place the year I think they filmed: 1995.

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