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As the first rays of dawn pierced through the room, Vansh found himself stirring from slumber. His eyes, heavy with sleep, instinctively moved towards the right corner of the bed where Riddhima, his 'monarch butterfly', was peacefully ensconced in the realm of dreams. The sight was nothing short of serene perfection. A pang of envy hit him as he watched the sun rays gently caress her glossy tresses and delicate skin, a privilege he wished to monopolize. From their very first encounter, there was an inexplicable magnetism about her that had drawn him in, though he had been reluctant to acknowledge it initially. His reflection in the mirror had always been met with a pair of eyes that held a storm of anger and turmoil. But now, he noticed a transformation - his eyes had softened, mirroring a calmness and affection that was unfamiliar yet comforting. She had managed to douse the self-destructive fire within him. He wouldn't be surprised if he found himself spending the entire day just admiring her.

His reverie was abruptly interrupted by the insistent vibration of his phone. He found himself musing over how his father had managed to juggle two wives simultaneously. It was fortunate that his mother and step-mother were sisters. In a humorous twist of fate, his phone had become his first wife, and Riddhima, his second. A chuckle escaped his lips as he glanced at the caller ID.

"ACP Kabir"


Vansh could hear the unmistakable sound of his brother's sobs punctuating the silence on the other end of the line.

"I regret placing my trust in Ragini over you... My love for her blinded me..." Kabir's voice was choked with remorse as he pleaded for Vansh's forgiveness.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Vansh's lips as memories of their shared childhood flooded back. He would move mountains if it meant wiping away his brother's tears.

"Dig deeper into the matter of the assassin. And brace yourself for a surprise when you return home" Vansh's voice was steady and reassuring as he ended the call.

His gaze drifted to the clock - it was 9:00 a.m. His wife was still lost in the land of dreams, oblivious to the world around her. He quickly sent a message to Angre, instructing him to prepare for an immediate return home. He had noticed a suspicious figure lurking around them the previous night, and he wasn't one to take such matters lightly.


Sia's gaze fell to her feet, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. The thought of welcoming her brother, Kabir, back into their home had always been a concept she struggled with. Kabir, in her eyes, had never embodied the same level of responsibility and compassion that Vansh had consistently demonstrated. Yet, despite her reservations, she knew she had to extend the olive branch of forgiveness. After all, blood ties were not easily severed, and Kabir was her sibling, bound to her by the unbreakable bonds of familial love.


Riddhima stood in awe as another helicopter descended from the sky. The initials "VR" were emblazoned in gold on its side, making it seem as if it had descended straight from the heavens. Vansh's face lit up with a proud smile, and it was clear to Riddhima that he was reveling in displaying his wealth.

"And what if we crash?" she asked, her arms crossed defensively.

"We'll reunite in the heavens or in our next life as a married couple" Vansh replied with a playful wink, adding, "You know, they say the bond of marriage lasts for seven lifetimes"

"This is our seventh lifetime together. And, it's going to be the last" she retorted, her voice laced with anger.

"So, you're admitting that we share a past connection?" Vansh asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Riddhima's eyes widened at his question, and she took a few moments to regain her composure. She chose not to respond to his probing questions and instead climbed into the helicopter.

"What an enigma" Vansh muttered to himself as he took his seat next to her.

Riddhima shot him a glance before turning away when he attempted to strike up a conversation.

"I've encountered many individuals in my life .But understanding you is proving to be the most challenging," Vansh confessed, his brows furrowed in thought.

"That's because you've never made an effort to understand anyone," she shot back.

The angrier and more flustered she became, the more endearing she appeared to him. However, her baseless accusations were beginning to sting.

"Riddhima, what is it that you desire?" he asked, his tone softening.

Riddhima looked around for a moment, her fingers fidgeting nervously.

"Ice-Cream" she finally murmured.

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