Fireafy (UPDATE)

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hey fellow reader. chances are you're a new reader, and if you are, welcome to the hellhole. if you aren't welcome back to a newly refurbished first chapter. okay enough stalling you came here for me to rip apart these ships so i shall deliver.

Ii'll cut to the chase - i don't like fireafy. but first, before sharing my opinions, let's look back on their relationship.

bfdi - they never interacted due to being on separate teams pre-merge and even after post merge did they have very little interactions. once the game started to reach the end game though, the two became close friends, which then got ruined by some arbritrary choice to include some bullshit ferris wheel, which leafy happened to dislike. firey won dream island and  brought up leafy's disdain towards the ferris wheel in bfdi 25, and it ended up being the reason for not allowing her onto the island. leafy then stole dream island out of revenge. when the eliminated contestants, who were released from the TLC, found out, they all agreed to execute leafy as punishment. firey saved leafy though, saying he valued their friendship more than the island, presumably after thinking about the in-the-moment situation like any normal person would. when they crashed, firey thought it'd be easier to leave leafy to be chased by the others.

bfdia - leafy turned emo. firey never acknowledges leafy's existence, or at least tries not to.

bfb - firey received little screentime before the split and when he did, he was just gawking over loser most of the time. leafy on the other hand was busy being bossy over her team and being eliminated over it. she returned onto the losers, however the two never interacted until bfb 15, where they argue over firey ignoring leafy for years. we'll skip to bfb 22, where they finally have a somewhat civilized conversation about bfdi 25 and firey ignoring leafy. they resolve their issues, with firey later apologising in bfb 24 for something i cant remember and i dont really care.

ok...NOW we can start.
the entire reason for this conflict starting was because of the arbitrary choice to make a gag in an episode become the sole reason for not letting leafy into the island. it's honestly ridiculous to see that this is the reason for the entire decade long conflict beginning. it just felt so forced to try and start some interesting conflict within the final episode of the season for the sake of making the finale stand out more. there are so many more interesting ways to incorporate some sort of  conflict they were so obviously longing for. 

to make this a little easier to get my point across - imagine you're firey. which would be the logical choice?

a) confront leafy about her disdain towards the ferris wheel ASAP (even though i would still find this really stupid since it was a minor joke that evolved into more than it needed to be)

b) be a complete asshole and DO NOT bring it up AT ALL until the finale. bring it up at the VERY END for the sake of 'haha no dream island as well as no friendship! haha!"

c) do not do anything and forget about it because she had every right to be uncomfortable with the ferris wheel and it was a fucking joke in the episode regardless

ok, but how does this all tie into my dislike for the ship? well, them making up in bfb 22, whilst not horribly executed in my opinion, is the main reason for this ship being so popular (i wasnt in the fandom at the time but i imagine it was still popular beforehand, but this episode fueled the fire). so let's imagine they got into a ship because of them making up and them getting on better terms: it was over something as minor as this little joke in this awful episode. a fucking ferris wheel. 

them kissing and shit would ALL lead back to this shitty joke in one episode which lasted ess than HALF A MINUTE.

ok but, what if we say we shipped them pre-bfdi finale? i still think it wouldn't work because they work much better as friends. they never really had too much chemistry anyway since they barely interacted pre, like, bfdi 20 and bubble and ice cube were around. just leave them as friends

and that, my friends, is why i do not like this ship at all.

Rating: 1/10

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