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Lots of people interpret Match and Pencil's relations differently. Some people see them as best friends, but I'm sure others interpret them as sisters and cousins or whatever. Of course, I don't really have any right to say this ship is outright awful because of those interpretations, because well, that's their, you know, interpretation. I see them as best friends, so this ship is still kinda weird to me. 

Also, this might just be what I think, but before Match's elimination, Match was sort of expecting her departure, maybe thinking that Pencil's actions were wrong. It was clear she cared, especially when she apologised to Bubble, we saw how she looked and we could tell how she felt. Of course, there wasn't a fight or some crap like that between the two, we saw that in BFB 16. They were still besties. But they weren't thinking about Bubble. They were just being their gossipy selves. Sounds weird but, like, whatev. This might be important in the future.


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