Blocktaco (???) (UPDATE)

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they derailed taco so hard in post split its not even funny. and i dont like this ship.

ok so, blocky and taco had this back and forth in post split about treating his teammates, particularly woody, with more respect. and of all characters, taco is the last person you'd expect to be lecturing blocky about this, because despite the fact that we saw very little of taco's character outside of the arc, what we did see suggested she was a competitive team player who was down to sabotage others if it meant her safety. very mischievous, as seen in bfb 29, bfb 6 and kind of bfb 1. you'd expect these two to be partners in crime, but not really. the two seem to be on better terms later in the season but why did they do this to her for the sake of blocky's character development...if you wanted a character to lecture him, put leafy on his team, or let loser do it. make a reason for loser to exist in post split he literally does nothing.

tldr: i hate this ship because of the fact that they wanted to derail taco's character for blocky and this ship feels like its rubbing it in my face. fuck you blocktaco

this ship sucks

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