Match X Firey (ship name??)

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Probably one of the only ships out there including Pencil or Match that ISN'T Pencil X Match, and their alliance, I guess.

I don't like making headcanons, especially when it comes to ships. But in my mind, I feel like Match has...ugh...a CRUSH on Firey. Like, think about it. The way Match talks to Firey is pretty interesting. Prove me wrong after rewatching BFDI. But even then, that doesn't mean I like this ship. This feels like one of those really short crushes you have in high school. Because it kind of is, lol. 

This is mainly because, one, the majority of Match's screen time has something to do with/is with her alliance. She rarely interacts with other characters. Two, this was just in BFDI, and even then, their interactions were still very small. 


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