Don't Lean Into the Computer Bad Things Will Happen

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Or The Only Chapter that Made Grammatical and Spelling Sense on the First Try

You know you're a big music fan when you're watching a music video for the fifth time. At least Avery thought it was the fifth time, she might be wrong. It could easily be the sixth.

 Seriously, Avery had watched MCR's music videos countless times, yet she still found pleasure in rewatching them, even the sad ones like "The Ghost of You". 

Avery sat down and scrolled through the videos she'd favorited. "I Don't Love You", "Welcome to the Black Parade", "Helena"... no, those were too dark for her current happy mood. She wanted something happier, more upbeat. How about... Aha. "Na Na Na". 

 Avery clicked on the video, excitement bubbling in her. This always happened when she watched music videos, especially if she'd seen them before. They were just so exciting! As Avery watched her idols -- Gerard and Mikey Way, Frank Iero, and Ray Toro -- mime battling off the Draculoids and Korse, she suddenly realized she was leaning into the computer. 

 As she tried to pull back, Avery realized she couldn't. With panic rising in her, Avery felt herself being... sucked in. 

Into the world of the Killjoys. 

Sing It for the World, the True Lives of the Wannabe KilljoysWhere stories live. Discover now