Pew Pew

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"Okay," Calvin went down the shopping list they'd written in the sand, "Food, clothes and a mask or something for Avery, a ray gun, also for Avery, and we need water."

"Got it."

"We'll stay here and stand guard," Trey told them, the boys doing their best to look tough.

Kori did her best not to laugh at their attempt.

"Okay, we'll be back soon," She told them.

There was no one else there today. Just the killjoy behind the counter and the two girls.

Kori immediately went over and began comparing the different cans of Power Pup while Avery searched for a jacket.

Suprise suprise, none of the cans looked any better than the others. Someone with experience in the zones might know which flavor was the best, but to Kori they all seemed like they'd be equally gross. She grabbed four cans this time and the same number of waters.

Avery had found a denim vest, but that wouldn't do much for warmth, and she didn't like the idea of spending the others' money. She picked up a long sleeve shirt with multi colored stripes going up the sleeve, that would solve the warmth problem. She put the vest back and began searching for pants. She was inspecting a pair of black leggings that looked like they could fit when Kori walked over.

"This is cute," Kori picked up the vest Avery had put back, "It'd look good on you."

"I wasn't going to get it."

"You should! Did you find a mask or something?"

Avery held up a red bandana.

"Okay, I've got everything then unless you still need something. There aren't any ray guns left, sorry."

Avery shrugged. She didn't really like the idea of killing anyone.


Avery and Kori quickly fumbled to pull their bandanas up. Kori took what Avery had been holding and shoved it along with the food in her backpack.

"I need to go help them."

Avery nodded. She knew she wouldn't be much use without a ray gun.

"Take my bag, just in case."

Trey and Calvin could already be dead.

Kori peeked out the doorway. Five dracs in her immediate field of sight, probably more that she couldn't see. She fired her ray gun at one twice, it fell into the sand. She aimed at another.

"Hey! In there!" a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W she hadn't seen fired at her.

She ducked back in the door, the blasts narrowly missing her shoulder. Then stuck her gun back out to return fire. The S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W was a step ahead of her though, and skimmed her hand with its next blast.

Kori was vaguely aware of the burning pain on her knuckles as she fired, hitting the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W in its chest. Her hand was smoking slightly, raw with where the skin was gone, and bleeding. Actually not the most disgusting injury she'd ever had, but definitely the most painful, or it would be when the adrenaline wore off.

She turned preparing to fire at the next drac. Instead she was met with a flash of white before she crumpled to the ground.

Update schedule? What's an update schedule? I've never even heard of that before...

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