Korse Needs Coffee Just like Everyone Else

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Korse walked through the halls of Bl/ind headquarters with one thing in mind. Coffee. He'd been up late last night doing... things.

This morning he felt like someone was following him. Watching as he moved through the halls. Of course BL/ind had cameras everywhere but that wasn't the point. Maybe it was because he hadn't gotten much sleep.

He got his coffee and was taking a sip when he heard a cough behind him.

"Korse," The voice was curt, yet femine, Flare.

Another pair of footsteps stopped behind her, Sprawl.

"Korse, we would like to ask you something," she continued, "Liam. How long has he been around? Certainly you're not attached to him?"

Liam. His boyfriend. He thought they'd been careful enough.

"Aw, I think you made him mad Flare," Sprawl mocked, "I think he's getting soft with emotions," he spat out the last word as if it were a swear.

"Here's how it's gonna go, old man. Prove you're the same S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, prove you're Korse. Kill the Fabulous Killjoys, or we kill Liam."

"I will suggest it to the Director."

Things were not looking up for Korse this morning.


"I had an idea I thought you might like," Korse began, "Those rebels, the Fabulous Killjoys. People look up to them out in the zones they put their hope in them. What if we destroy their hope?"

"You're suggesting?"

"Kill them. People don't like it when their heroes fail."

"True. How would you suggest we go about this, Agent Korse?"

"The girl they keep with them. They're tasked with protecting her, therefore she must be of some importance. If we can get her, and our assumptions are correct, they'll plan a rescue mission."

"Very well Agent Korse. Prepare a team and search the zones. The girl is not to be harmed, if she is special I would like to study her."


So I just realized we still have prewritten chapters for this book, oops. Granted this one isn't very long but oh well.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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