Jolly Sailor Aki-Kun

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A/N: Behold, part two of Akira's POV chapter.

Thanks everyone


Putting down the tablet for just a minute or two as she got off her bed. Those tablets were prone to heat up quickly Akira had found if she held them for too long. She would have to prop it up with something so they could talk without having to hold it in their hands.

Bringing a plate to take a swipe of the Chicken Nanban on the dining table, a dip of soy sauce, some rice and some soba noodles to finish. Along with making herself a nice cuppa of Tetleys.

Taking her sweet time in dipping her Nanban into her soy sauce. Laying it in there until it was fully wrapped in gorgeous brown layers. Taking a slow and lovely bit out of it.

She could hear crunchy sounds coming from Nathaniel's end. Most likely the hula hoops he was eating. She remembered the time he talked in his sleep about them. Going on about how Hula Hoops were round and they be around forever like that advert for them had done.

"Whoopies, i left this window open form before. Sometimes i'm so forgetful about stuff." Akira could hear Nathaniel speaking as the sound of a window closing echoed.

"Nevertheless, I certainly love hearing your voice, even more so when you blow into my ear and whisper every syaballe. I mean that Akira, your voice is wonderful to hear. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." Nathan countered smoothly from the tablet that still sat on Akira's bed.

Akira opened her left eye slightly with her eyebrow raised to look back a the tablet, a little bit of rose forming on her cheeks. Then looked away again. He wasn't getting off that easily if her suppressed little smirk and the likelihood of him resting his chin on his hand that he often did when he was like this was any indication.

She let him stew for a few more minutes while she indulged in the noodles and rice. Slurping the noodles every time as she sucked them into her mouth.

Oh but she was going to save her sweet sweet dessert for last so he could see her eat something he can't.

Akira eventually went to pick up the tablet from her bed, but didn't look at the screen until she was back at her Marble table and found something to hold up so she could be free of straining her hand. Nathaniel had obviously found something on his end to hold it up judging by the fact he had his boots on the table. Grinning all the while at Akira as if he hadn't been cheeky before.

"Well, I was going to surprise you with a little something I got when I went to pick up alongside my Kimono yesterday from the designers. But if you are going to be like this..." Akira then glanced at her Kimono hanging on the rod that she hung it on and the surprise next to it.

All patterned and colored to Akira's specification. She had brought over everything else needed with her from India already.

Nathaniel merely raised an eyebrow at that remark.

"Now that's just mean of you Akira, I bring forth praise of that ever so smoothing Scottish twined with sexy Japanese voice. Just for you to cast me down so cruelly. And to think, I had all the videotapes set up for you to see if the Right Said Frank wannabe brothers beat up Barry at the pub this Friday night. I guess i'll just have to tape over it with Jim and him presenting a speedboat again, I certainly hope Ganabati's put his he won on the show to good use, It will do nicely going up some rivers,"

"Yes, I remember him on darting on that show, still got the tape of him. I certainly hope he put that hoover and fridge he also won to good use. His workshop tends to be a cesspool at the worst of times and he leaves out out of date milk to foul it up further." Akira said as she reminisces about Mr Ganabati's appearance on that game show after Nathaniel convinced him that it was the Darts her nose in disgust of that fact.

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