Peace Sells But Who's Buying Act 1

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Blackmambauk: Hi everyone, this is a edited version of what was the first big chapter of Roanapur Connection. The where things really get going. Which is written by my dear friend Blackmanaburning and myself. Black took this chapter that had been stuck in development hell for nearly a year and made it truly the chapter it is with contributions from Seth Rollins and Vanilla Metal.

Especially as i prefer doing the research, the outlining, worldbuilding, thinking of ideas, characterization, themes, visualizing a location, appearance, commissioning artists to grow their talent. That's what I enjoy most. It's why I relate to George Lucas who felt the same when it came to writing and directing.

But enough from me. Here's Black to give her input working on this chapter. Enjoy the chapter.


Blackmanaburning: Hello everyone! This is BlackManaBurning/Mana/The Bird Queen (for those who may know me by my other names haha) writing this as I am just about to finish up the final scenes of the chapter... or I guess at this rate it's more like a mini-novella!

Originally this chapter was planned to be about 10,000 words (sees the nearly 30,000 word tally at the moment), but after talking to Blackmambauk and seeing all the drafts and detail he, Seth Rollins, Vanilla Metal and others put into their initial work to get the chapter rolling, I wanted to make sure to do justice to all the effort everyone put into growing this fic into a real work of art crossover.

No spoilers of course, but this chapter marks a huge transition point in Roanapur Connection, when we really get much of the simmering political posturing and preparation so frequently seen in the world of Code Geass and begin to close in more in it all.

As always, it's been an absolute pleasure working with a visionary like Blackmambauk to help bring the ideas of this crossover fic to life! As an avid Code Geass fan myself, it was a wonderful excuse for me to give another look at the anime and manga (while calling it "research," which of course it was *adjusts glasses*) and try to spot new ways for the world to be fleshed out contribute to the fic myself.

If you would like to support this fic and the work being done by the many people involved (and perhaps see more than one chapter every several months) be sure to give Blackmambauk a shout and perhaps consider supporting our growing group on our Discord! You'll get to see art commissions, previews of chapters, have the ability to chat with other avid followers of Liars Dice and its creators/writers/artists, also will get to participate in polls, and anything else we come up with to keep the fanfic going for hopefully years to come!

So without further ado, I hope you enjoy this newest chapter/installment to the "main" storyline of Liars Dice!


[Date: 06/04/1995 ATB, Time: 5:40 p.m., Hunan Province, China]

Nestled amid mountains to the east, south, and west, as a babe in arms of Kwan Yin, vast fields of young rice stalks stretched their green shoots toward the glittering sun.

Only a truly resilient people could eke out a living in this veritable wilderness, surviving as a spotty union of villages and towns divided by vast expanses of untamed land. It was in this place many throughout east Asia could find their oldest roots: a place essentially untouched by modern civilization, and a place where war had little reason or opportunity to reach.

'This too, may soon come to an end.' Emperor Xiang Qing peered down upon his country from the high perch of a helicopter. His thin lips cracked into a narrow grin. These nostalgic moments happened frequently as of late, which he gradually came to terms with in these final days of his great and magnanimous rule.

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