Ep 10: She Have To Make A Choice

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He decides to arrange a party tomorrow. And he goes to her home for give her the invitation. In fact its just an excuse for him to see her again.

He goes to her home. He knocks the door. She opens the door.
He: Hi.
She: Hi, Vansh, here, at this time.
He: actually i have to talk to you.
She: is everything fine?
He: yeah. Well if you don't mind may I come in?
She: yeah of course. Please come in.
They goes in. She offers him to sit. Her parents see him.
He: Are they your parents?
She: yeah.
He greets them and sits.
She: would you like to have some water?
He: yeah of course.
She: let me bring.
She gives him water. He drinks it.
She: so what happened?
He: nothing.
She: nothing!! But you said that.........
He: yeah actually i am here to invite you.
She: invite? For what?
He: party.
She: party! But you said.............
He: its tomorrow.
She: tomorrow?
He: yeah the party is tomorrow and you must come.
She: yeah i am also a partner in this project. So I know that I must have to come.
He: good. And yeah please tell it to rahul also that he also have to come.
She: yeah.
Her family stares at him so he thinks that he should leave.
He: OK so we'll meet tomorrow. Good night.
She: yeah.
He leaves.

Her parents ask her something.
Her mother: who was he?
She: mom he is my business partner.
Her mother: but why he had come here at this time?
She: mom why are you overreacting?He came here just to invite me.
Her mother: but........
She: OK please stop it now.
She goes in her room.

She calls Rahul.
He: Hi.
She: Hi.
He: what's up
She: nothing I called you to tell something.
He: what? Have you find your someone special?
She: why do you always talks about that someone special?
He: because I want that you find someone.
She: OK fine. Now listen to me Vansh came at my house a few minutes ago.......
He: OMG, he came to your house to meet you. That's good.
She: now will you please listen to me quietly?
He: yeah say
She: he came here to invite me. He has a party tomorrow and he wants that you also come.
He: of course. I will. And you know that I just love parties.
She: OK then. See you tomorrow.
He: yeah.

Raj comes there at her house with her mother. Maya's mother talks to him. He tells her that he is ready to marry Maya. Her parents gets happy. Her mother calls her. She comes out from her room. She sees him with his mother. She greets them.
Her mother: there is a good news.
She: what?
Her mother: Raj is ready to marry you.
She: so what mom and I told you that I am not going to marry anyone.
Her mother: but..........
She: OK leave it. I can talk to him myself.
Her mother: Maya listen to me........
She goes near him.
She: excuse me Raj I wanna talk to you.
He: yeah sure.
She(hesitatingly) : I wanna say that....... I don't.......
He: what happened Maya? You can say it clearly if there is any problem.
She: I....... I can't marry you.
He: but why?
She: it doesn't has a reason. But I just don't wants.
He: do you not like me?
She: there is nothing like that but I just don't wants marry anyone. Please try to understand.
Her mother(angrily to Maya) : and you listen to me now. You have to marry him.
She: but mom why?
Her mother: because I am saying it. And you have to do that.
She: but...........
Her mother: I don't wants to hear anything else except your yes.
She: mom why are you doing it?
Her mother: because I wants you to get settled.
She: but i don't wants.
Her mother: you have to say yes. OK listen you have to make a choice now. You have to marry him or forget that you have a family.
She: mom what are you saying?
Her mother: I am just saying that marry or else we will not live with you anymore.
She: but why are you saying this? Have I done a mistake?
Her mother: because I can't tolerate it anymore that you take all your decisions yourself you do whatever you wants, you never even think to ask us about something. But at least marry the one which I have choose for you. Please tell me fast that you will marry him or you will leave your family.
She thinks about it she can't marry him but she can't also lose her family which is everything for her.
She: OK. I will marry him.
Her mother: I knew it.
She: but does he wants to marry me when I don't wants.
He: I will. Don't worry. And I will keep you happy forever.
She goes in her room angrily.
Raj to her mother: why did you said that?
Her mother: to convince her for the marriage. I know that whatever may be the situation is she can't even think about losing her family.

And she in her room is in confusion, thinking sadly that what is this happening to her?
Rahul calls her she receives the call.
Rahul: Hi, I was saying that when you go to the party call me, OK?
She: yeah.
Rahul: hey is everything fine?
She: yeah. Absolutely.
Rahul: but I feel that something is wrong with you by hearing your voice.
She: no. I wanna tell you something.
He: what?
She: I said yes to marry Raj.
He: what?!!! What are you saying? But why?
She: because I think it's right.
He: do you like him?
She: it doesn't matter.
He: so what matters? I saw his photo. He is good looking. But not that much that you are going to marry him.
She: I don't care.  I just think that he is right for me.
He: OK if it's really your wish. But I wanna asks just one thing.
She: what?
He: Are you happy?
She(weepingly) : yes I am.
He: it doesn't seem to be by your voice.
She: Rahul I am fine I am happy don't worry.
He: OK then congrats.
She: yeah. Thanks. OK by.
He: yeah by see you tomorrow at the party.
She: yeah by.
She cuts the call.

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