Dark Wash Jeans

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For the record I'm on team darkwash everyday #sorrynotsorry

But yes hello my dear ones our topic today is dark clothes.

Because quite frankly if you've never stained clothing on your period, you're not doing it right.

But one thing to prevent staining is wearing dark clothes. Blacks and blues and darker colors so if you DO leak, hopefully it doesn't show

I was volunteering at my school over the summer. I'm pretty close with teachers and counselors and staff in general, most of them like me xD this one day I was helping out with new student orientation.

I remember that outfit so clearly, black shirt that was sheer and lace on the back with white polka dots on the front, paired with a mint-ish green short shorts (so scandalous ;) )

Anyway, my morning was spent with the new students and heads of the departments. I also saw some old teachers of mine. During the afternoon I was in the office answering phone calls, sorting mail, etc.

It wasn't until I got home at 3 that I noticed the rED STAIN AS BIG AS FREAKING ASIA ON MY SHORTS.

It was bad, all I could think about was all those people seeing me walk around with a huge period stain.

To this day, those shorts are stuffed in a bag in my closet hidden under an old sweatshirt.

*~The End~*

Ugh I'm still cringing. But come on, I'm sure most of you can think of a stain story. I have plenty more xD And if you don't have one, trust me, you will get one in the future, consider yourself lucky.

Back to dark clothes though, that was one of the first things my mom told me about my period. Stay away from whites and light colors incase of leaking.

So if you didn't know that tip, bippity boppity boo now you do.

I feel like it's easier to do in winter. A lot of people wear darker colors in winter. But in summer, people tend to wear brighter/lighter colors. I don't know

period signs for today: wearing dark shorts/jeans/leggings/skirts/dresses

But I guess that's all I have for today, thanks for reading! Have any thoughts on dark bottoms? Leave a comment!

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Love you all x

vote if you're on team darkwash everyday

or if you're on team lightwash because that's cool too

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