My thoughts #2

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Okay again, this has nothing to do with period signs, but I needed to add something and this is the perfect place. So go and do what you wanna do whether that's reading this or going to the next chapter.

Okay, does anyone get those "Fake Periods?" I might have completely made up the name but not the concept.

You know, like when you wake up in a bad mood, you're not craving you're favorite food, and you just feel something in your underwear?

But then you realize that your period is not due for another few weeks and you get all paranoid.

Such thoughts go through your head:

What the hell is wrong with my body?

Please oh please tell me I didn't ruin this underwear.

Did I leak through my pants? Is it visible?

Oh my god I think I need a pad/tampon.

Why is this happening

How is this happening


And you finally make it to the restroom, tentatively pull down your pants and underwear and sigh a big breath of relief when you see no period.

And then you're just very happy because no period or pissed because of the scare.

Does anyone else experience this or is it just me?

If I missed anything, leave your comments!

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