One Hundred and Thirty Eight

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The next week flies by pretty fast and before we know it, it's already Sunday. Today I'm not working so therefore Alanah and I are going to be sitting with the rest of the wives and girlfriends. 

I am excited to see everyone as I haven't seen them in a while. Alanah and I get ready and head to Marvel Stadium where our boys take on the team holding up the ladder North Melbourne. We thrashed them back in round 3 so I assume it'll be something along the same lines, unless we actually don't turn up, which I don't think will happen. 

Alanah is still still coming to the games even though Josh is injured because she's a doggies supporter and wants to support the boys. 

Bianca on the other hand is spending the day/night with Jack. Apparently he's planning to spoil her tonight so I'm not gonna even bother in asking her to come with us. 

I chuck my Bulldogs scarf on with my Bont pin and head downstairs where Alanah is waiting for me. 

The boys have already headed to the game, and Alanah's Mum is minding Oliver. So we're free women tonight. 

I decide to drive since Alanah will most likely be drinking even though the game starts at like 4:40, it's never too early to start! 

We make the 15 minute drive to Marvel Stadium and park in the stadium's car park. I spot Marcus' car instantly and smile as we make our way into the rooms. 

Walking in we a greeted by a number the players and staff that work for the doggies, until I spot the tall brunette I am in love with. He spots me instantly as well and walks over to me. 

"You made it." He says placing a kiss on my lips and pulling me into a hug. 

"Of course." I say and he smiles. 

"Ugh I can never get away from you two." Baz says which makes Alanah and I laugh. 

"Sorry, not sorry." Alanah says and Baz smiles. 

Josh then comes over and joins the little mothers club we're having. 

"Hello wifey." He says and Alanah smiles. 

"Hey hubby." She says as Josh leans in and places a kiss on her lips which makes her smile instantly. 

Ever since they got married a few weeks ago, they've been calling each other wifey and hubby. It's cute but cheesy at the same time. 

"Alright enough you two." I say and they both smile. 

"It's alright babe, I'll give you some love tonight." Marcus says with a wink and I roll my eyes. 

"If you play good." 

"Oh Bont's gonna kick 5 goals and get 45 disposals now." Josh says which makes us laugh. 

"Mate you're setting the bench mark a bit too high." 

"Just saying, you'll do anything for Em." 

"Like you'd do anything for Alanah." Marcus responds and we both smile. 

"Anyways we should probably get going, the girls are probably wondering where we are." Alanah says and I nod. 

[Under editing] You and I - Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now