Girl best friend

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You didn't have a problem with George's best friend being a girl.

You didn't.

But you did have a problem with George always spending more time with her than you . Her name Was Bonnie, and she had known George for much longer than you, so you knew he would always be closer to her than you.

However, you also knew that she was in love with George, so you were always insecure. Her having dirty blonde hair, being 4'11", with an  8 inch waist made everything hell for you.

And you knew George was leaving soon, and you knew she was too — so you wanted to break your own heart before he did. And that was how you were here, sitting in the common room, writing George a note while he was at Hogsmeade with Fred and Bonnie.

'Dear George,
I don't know what to write. I never expected I'd ever have to write something like this to you, I always thought you were the man of my dreams and that I'd marry you and have your kids one day, but alas not. You love Bonnie, be it as friends or more, and she loves you. I would never ask you to give up your friendship for me, so I'm ending things in a letter like a coward in the Victorian times. I'm hiding behind a quill  and paper while you're out and about having the time of your life with the love of it and I know you've probably done things with her while I'm not there that I don't even want to think of.

I would apologise, but you see me once a week and even then all you talk about is her — Bonnie this and Bonnie that, so I won't. I won't apologise, George. I'm tired of knowing that you treat me as your second best and always will. I wasn't raised as a pushover and it's about time I stop acting like one.

Have a nice life.

Love, Y/N.'

You sniffled as tears rolled down your cheeks, having finally confessed the feelings you'd kept hidden for so long. You had been George's girlfriend for over a year, and yes it hurt to end things with him, but you knew it had to be done. You left the note on the table, and went upstairs to pack your things.

It was almost Christmas break, so you planned everything. You'd be gone by the morning, and George wouldn't be back until later, so he wouldn't be able to get up the stairs. Him and his precious Bonnie would have to sleep on the couches.

You left the common room, the bold cursive 'George' that was written on the envelope still imprinted in your mind. Some part of you wanted to rip the letter in to prices and never speak of it again, but you knew you couldn't if you wanted to be happy again. You realised as you trudged solemnly up the stairs that you had wasted several hundred galleons on George's Christmas gifts, so you'd have to return them.

George's PoV:

George couldn't wait to see his girlfriend as he bounced into the common room. He hadn't seen you all week and then his best friend asked him to go Christmas shopping at Hogsmeade with her, making it nearly impossible to refuse.

However, as George Weasley settled into the couch and began unfolding the blankets that had been left out, he noticed a letter with his name on it.

He knew it was from you, because your handwriting was unmistakable. His face twisted with concern, you hated writing letters — you always thought it was too formal, so he immediately thought the worst. He tore open the envelope, and scanned the paragraph, his eyebrows raising with each sentence.

He had no idea you felt like that. He didn't want to lose you. He didn't want to never wake up beside you again.

He felt his heart shattering into a million pieces, and he could hear Bonnie beside him, but her voice was a mere echo. His head was spinning and his heart racing, he felt like his world had just ended.

𝓖𝓮𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓵𝓮𝔂 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now