Ch no 34

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Even though I am a serious girl at work, but still I am the same. Hadi had turned more irky, and you can say that he ressembles all the spoilt brat in all those movies I saw. Along with these thoughts, I practically don't know what to say ! Actually! I never knew what to say even before! Let's just let everything be. If I'd touch it's topic or even say a word about it it means a level opening to my misery. Stupid hadi! I don't know from what corner of the world he have came from. But I wish I could do a magic and make him vanish. He isn't the one who he was before. And what did he meant 'you'll be my wife' and what so ever. I was ironically hating it all. Does he enjoy doing this? And one thing in my mind is what he meant by all of that. Even though I quite heared what shit he said, but I could no make out his words!

His words were weird well hell too much weird for me. I won't cry, I'd never at all. Even though my rest of life is going to be decided , I still can't take it seriously, whilst my mind keeps on moking me that ' you are a loser can't even say what you want' but let me say to my stupid brain that is in my skull! To shut up! I actually don't know what am I finding so funny. But they just are..

Complicated series- for me! These really are conflicting thoughts for me. And I actually wanted to let out my inner termoil out at him!and tell him that I will never marry him. But Again I was caught off guard by him , It was not expected yet such a wreck hell like stuppid feeling which me myself couldn't understand . And that was being more and more amazing yet so difficult for me. This is serious why am I not taking it serious?? The edge of horizon in me haven't woken up yet! Yet so stupid and off guard I feel near him.

Like a chapter of chemical reactions that most of the students hate to learn about, even though they can't understand it but still they tell their brain that they did! This is how I think of this marriage. Well hell lot of information about marriage! One thing always creeps up in my head space. That he loves me! O gosh! Stupid series. I feel like that I fight with my brain all the time. And tears? Why should I cry huh? No I won't! If he wants to marry me than see I'll make him perfectly hate ne! Let's just see what'll be done by me. But one thing is clear! I will disturb him so much that he'll leave me on his own accord, just wait hadi! Who do you think you are huh?

But again what'll I do! No actually, what should I do? Nothing will work, or I am too tired to try! Or I don't want to try? Idk!

I looked at the front mirror of the car and saw my reflection. I should actually focus on those lives I am going to save today. I just told everyone that I have some important work to do. As they wanted me to go with them on that stuppid shoping.

I reached the head quarters basement area and it took me damn three hours to drive there. The basement is hidden in a forest not so deep but no one visits here. So, the location was shared with me and I followed my GPS and reached at this place. Didn't I thought that it'd be this damn tired. Even though I enjoyed it driving all alone on these streets where there is no life or I am making them disappear in my mind. But I actually had to focus on the road and the turmoil that was running in me was causing my peace to go in vain.

Actually I think I have gone sane! But I will never agree that me! Haya, malik have gone sane. Never!!

I let  my dominant side out and got serious making all of the thoughts running in my head at a red signal. I entered the basement , entered the required code and went in.

I was met with cold environment . O if you are thinking with cold people, No! The cooling of Air conditioner was that welcomed me. And was met with smiles on each of my soldier friends faces!

"Assalam o alaikum!" I greeted them!

"Walaikum salam! I hope the saviour of the country is hale and healthy!"

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now