Chapter 7: That Morning

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*Image of omelet in sidebar*

Izabella's POV

I woke up stretching and yawning, keeping my eyes closed feeling the soft white blankets I looked down under the sheets.
"I'm naked?"
The memories of the night that had just passed exploding in my head my eyes getting big.
"I know that I'm still a virgin, but what happened last night.."
I didn't finish my thought,where was David? I turned over to my right to find a letter on the pillow.
Hey! Good Morning, I ran to the store to get some groceries I hope you like omelets ;)
P.S there some clothes I got you in the bathroom if you want to take a shower..unless you want to wait for me.

"He's such a pervert"
I smiled down at the note.
"And I do love omelets."
I ripped the covers off,of my body forgetting again that I was butt naked in my lovers bed, but nobody was around right? I covered my Breast with my forearm as I looked around for the bathroom.
"Aha! Here it is."
I walked in quickly closing the door behind him. I turned on the shower watching as the fog filled the room. I stepped in letting the water rush down my back and through my hair.

David's POV

I walked in to hear the shower running.
"I guess she didn't want to wait for me." I said to myself smiling.
I set the groceries on the counter top. I pulled out the ingredients and payed them out onto the counter, before grabbing a pan from the cuboid and placing it on the stove. As soon as the pan warmed up and I was cracking the eggs into the pan she walked out wearing the clothes I had bought her a crop top and blue jean shorts, short enough just to cup her butt.
"Looks like you didn't want to wait for me." I said as I observed her features
"I know you've already seen me naked and all but I don't think I'm ready for the shower yet." She replied
"Ouch!" I said watching her laugh at me
"What do you like on your omelets?" I asked
"Lots of cheese and tomatoes."
I waited a few seconds thinking she would say more.
"That's it?" I asked
"Yeah" she replied
"There's gotta be more than that, here how about you go in the living and I'll surprise you and don't peek!"
"Okayyy" she replied making her way to the couch but still peeking over the coushins.
"Don't peek!" I twirled my index finger in a motion in telling her to turn back around, and she did.
A few minutes had passed.
"Wallah!" I brought the plate over to her, her eyes got big.
"Woah David! This looks amazing!" She took the plate from me sitting it on her lap with the fork in hand.
"Did you put cheese and tomatoes in it?" She asked
"Mmhm," I replied.
"Lots of cheese?" She asked
"Of course," I replied
She took a bite of it and fell back her groan letting me know that she liked it like I knew she would. She opened her eyes darting them at me.
"And why aren't you a chef?" She asked with pure curiosity.
"Long story short I had complications with starting my own restaurant and just converted to being a lawyer since I had my degree in law and business." I replied
"I think you should try again you have a great talent, don't let me be the only one that gets to eat all of your delicious food." She got off the couch carrying her plate with her and sat on the stool with her forearms on the counter.
"Who said you'd be the only one I'll be cooking for?" I walked over to her leaning over the counter.
"Well me of course." She replied her eyes wondering to my lips.
"Only under one condition." I said looking into her deep dark brown eyes.
"And what might that be?" She asked
"If you agree to be my girlfriend."
Her face went blank and she began to stutter, I gripped her chin and gently pecked her lips. "I'll take that as a yes, put your shoes on we're going somewhere."
"Where?" She asked
"Oh so you don't deny that your my girlfriend?" I asked
"No I don't" she replied looking down at her plate

I waited in the car as she strolled out the door boy did she look good in shorts. She sat in the passenger seat looking as beautiful as ever even without makeup.
"What?" She asked looking at me with a concerned look
"Nothing" I replied I didn't realize I was staring at her so hard.
"Your just really beautiful." I said, She laughed and looked down at her lap.
"I'm serious Izzy" I looked at her waiting for her eyes to meet mine in which they did.
"Thank you" she said
"Don't thank me I'm only telling the truth" I replied as I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway to heard down Main Street to go to our little surprise, my little surprise.

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