Chapter 39: Pure Fear

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I heard a snap and that's when I came back to reality. I blinked a few times and then I gasped as I felt James body go limp in my hands and I let go. His body fell to the ground, his face was lifeless. His lips parted and eyes are blood shot red.

"James?" I say as lightly shake him

No answer

"James buddy wake up I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" I say softly

"James!" I scream a I shake him roughly but still no answer.

I fall over and sit against the wall as I stare at my now dead best friend. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I bang my fist against the wall.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I scream

"Fucking hell what am I gonna do!" I began to sob.

"Marcus?" I heard a familiar shaky voice say and when I look up she was standing at the top of the stairs, her hand covering her mouth.

Izabella's POV

I heard the doorbell ring but I didn't even bother to move out of the bed, who knew that being pregnant can make you so tired. I laugh at myself

Did I really just try to crake a joke?

I jerked when I heard screaming coming from downstairs, the voice didn't sound familiar. I quietly swung my legs over and stood the cold floor cooling down my heated feet. I slowly walked toward the door taking my time before I heard a loud banging noise, and I could hear Marcus muffled screams. My palms started to get sweaty as I reached for the knob. When I opened the door I could hear Marcus's voice more clearly, the closer I walked to the stairs the louder his voice became.

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't take her away from me! She's all I got all that I fucking have! All that you say is bullshit, bullshit you hear me!"

I stopped once I was at the end of the hallway I wasn't sure if I wanted to see what was going on.
What if he saw me peeking?
Maybe he doesn't want me to see and I could get in serious trouble. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone crying? I quickly walked toward the staircase only to see a horrid scene, Marcus was crying and there was a man on the floor next to him, his eyes wide open. Did he..did he kill him? I was scared so scared that my body began to tremble and my breathing became uneasy as my chest fell and rose rapidly. I held my stomach and covered my mouth as if I was about to throw up but I needed to know.

"Marcus?" I managed to mumble and his head snapped up at me. I could here him spit a series of curse words as he stands up and wipes his face. I step away as he comes up the stairs and stands info of me.

I point a shaky finger at the body that's still slumped against the wall.

"W-what did you d-do to him Marcus?" I asked not being able to take my eyes of the dead body. Marcus grabbed my chin, causing me to look him in the eyes.

"It's nothing now go back into the room and stay there okay?" He said his eyes hard as he stared at me waiting for an answer.
I gulped and nodded my head in agreement I wonder if he could feel my body shaking with fear.

"Good" he said and kissed my cheek, I flinched at the feeling out of instinct, which I regretted as soon as I saw the hurt written all over his face as he sighed and walked away from me. I went back into the room and shut the door.

What the hell?

When did I start caring whether or not he was hurting? I rubbed my face with my hands and walked over to the mirror. I lifted my shirt and turned to the side sure enough my belly bump was growing bigger by the day. I started rubbing circles on my belly while I sighed.
What am I gonna do when this baby comes? Marcus is gonna make me raise it with him and I can't.
He's my damn father, this baby may not even make it.
I rubbed my face again as I groaned and pulled my shirt down.

"This is going to be hard"
I said to myself
It was around 9:00 when Marcus came in. I was sitting in the window panel when I smelled the stench of dirt and alcohol.

He's Been drinking

When I looked at him he held a bottle of whiskey in his hand and his eyes were bloodshot shot red. I got up and began walking over to re bed when I felt a rough hand grab my upper arm.
I looked up at him confused but he didn't say anything he just looked at me.

"What?" I ask softly not wanting to upset him

He still didn't answer me and instead went and sat on the end of the bed.

"Come here"
He said with a deep and raspy voice

I calmly walked over until I was standing in front of him. He grabbed my hips, dropping his bottle, and pulled me closer to him until my belly was rubbing against his lips. He lifted up my shirt until it was just under my Breast. He slowly rubbed his hands over my stomach before leaving a quick pec above my belly button causing a giggle to escape my mouth, his lips tickled. It was weird because he was being so gentle yet he was drunk, or so I thought.

"Are you okay?" I asked

His eyes flicked up to mine. Thy were hard as if he was thinking about something before I spoke, and then they softened. He nodded his head before leaning back and crawling to the top of the bed and getting under the covers. I sighed before doing the same and turning off the light.
The events of today flashed through my mind and my eyes flashed open to the darkness.

What did he do with the body?

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