Chapter 24

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Izzy's POV
Jeff had come by and set up a recording device on our house phone. It was nice but also creepy because then Jeff and the whole station would be able to hear our calls.
"So when he calls just hit this button and it'll record the whole conversation until one of you hang up. I also set up some hidden cameras outside in case he decides to come. Every hour we'll have a patrol car drive by your house to make sure that you guys are all right and that'll start tonight." We thanked him and then he left, leaving us alone.
I sat on the couch an watched TV David was in the back working on a case he has. This old lady has got hit by a car and ended up dying later in the hospital and the family wanted to sue the guy who hit her, and to make matters worse the guy was drunk so I think that David has this case. I don't think I could make a very good lawyer I'm a terrible liar and I don't think I could be that convincing.
I fell asleep watching "The Sound Of Music". I woke up to a hard knock on the front door. I got up and slowly walked to the door
Bam! Bam! The knocks were harder this time. I can hear someone through the door.
"Open up I don't really have much patience and I know you can hear me."
I ran to the phone but I didn't even hear the dialing tone. I followed the wire only to find it cut. I began to breath heavy. The knocks became harder and harder. David came in a bat in his hand and he walked up to the door.
"No no! Please don-" but somehow the door had opened and in walked Marcus, holding a black pistol pointing at David.
How did he open the door?
He laughed as soon as he saw the angered face on David.
"I told you to bring her to me and that if I had to come an get her it wouldn't be pretty. He walked closer to David the gun still pointed at him.
"Your holding that bat a bit tight there, I bet you want to bash my head in, hit me until I stop breathing but you won't."
David's lips parted to speak but Marcus cut him off.
"Say one word and I'll blow your fucking brains out." Marcus said sternly, he put the gun on David's teeth.
"And don't worry about it, I'll make sure that I take good care of her." I was terrified of those words. I looked at David and his body was shaking and his face was red he was so angry I knew that I was going to have to make a sacrifice I don't want anything bad to happen to him so I spoke up.
"I'll go with you" I said and both of them snapped there heads toward me. Marcus gave me a smirk that sent horrid chills down my back and David looked lost and hurt I know that his heart was shattering to pieces because so was mine. We where suppose to get married next week.
"Shut the fuck up!" Marcus yelled.
"Stop! Jut leave him alone! I'll go with you if you swear to leave David alone just please I'm asking for one thing!"
"Alright" David said and I walked toward him and he snatched me and started to walk toward the door but he stopped and whispered in my ear.
"Sorry sweet heart but I'm not that good at keeping promises"
Before I could react he had turned and all I heard was a gun shot. Everything was in slow motion all I saw was David drop to the ground.
"No DAVID!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tried to run to him but Marcus had picked me up.
"LET ME GO PLEASE! David! David! PLEASE!!!" I was trying so hard to get away but he had a death grip on me. I could hear David howling in pain and I sobbed tears streaming from my face he just shot my fiancé the love of my life my lover, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I was thrown into the back seat of a dark car. I keep beating on the window I needed to get to David to help him. This was all of my fault, all my fault.
David's POV
The pain was excruciating,but not as bad as my heart she was gone and I failed to protect her I promised. I tired to get up but the pain kept me down.
"David?" I heard but my vision was blurry and my eyelids were heavy.
"Help me" I said before I drifted off into the darkness.
Izzy's POV
"You ASSHOLE! I fucking hate you! You promised! You PROMISED!!
I say in back seat I wanted to punch him so bad but
1. He has a gun
2. I didn't really have the energy. During my whole tantrum and insults that I threw at him he didn't say anything.
After a few minutes I had calmed down and decided to speak.
"Where the hell are we going?" I asked sternly I wast gonna play nice after what he just did.
" that's for me to know and for you to find out."
"Fucking dick" I mumbled before turning over to look through the window. All I could think about was David and wether he was dead or alive, I didn't want to think that he was dead but the way he hit the floor. I just didn't know what to think.

David's POV
I woke to a beeping sound. It took me a little while before I realized I was in a hospital room.
"Izabella? Izabella, IZABELLA! I screamed the beeping sound became more persistent and I felt hands hold me down as I screamed.
"I have to find her! He took her! Please help me find her! I promised! Fuck!"
"David Calm Down!" I heard Jeff say and I slammed my head against the pillow letting the tears fall I haven't cried like this since my parents died.
"I know this is hard,but we need you to tell us what happened" Jeff said but I didn't want to talk.
"I don't want to talk right now." I said looking straight at the door, my blood was boiling hot.
" I can understand that, but it's the only way we can help find Izzy."
My eyes snapped toward him at the corner of my eye
" How will it help?" I asked
"Maybe we can get a clue as to where they went." He replied
I closed my eyes
"Alright but just give me a minute okay?" I said and with that Jeff left the room. If I was going to find Izabella, I was going to do it myself this is personal. Just between me and Marcus I'm gonna find him and he better pray to God for forgiveness because I'm not gonna let him go free. I'm going to kill him.

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