Chapter 35

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"Hey, hey, shhh it's alright" he cooed I could feel as he wrapped something around me and pulled my body into him.
"Clam down what's wrong?"
I didn't respond I couldn't say it.
"What's wrong? What happened
I just kept my head buried in my knees as he rocked us back and forth.
"What's wrong?"he whispered
"I think I'm pregnant.." I say
"What?" He said in a tone of confusion, he didn't hear me.
"I think I'm pregnant"
Izabella's POV

They were positive

All three of the test

This can't be happening

I threw the test into the garbage in anger.

I heard a soft knock on the door.

"What did they say?" He asked softly

I began pulling at my hair not caring if I pulled it out or not.

"There all positive there all fucking positive! Fuck!"

I yell and I see him come in but I was in no mood for comforting.

"Look everything will-" he began

"No don't you dare tell me that everything will be okay!"

I yell pointing my index finger at him.

"Y-you did this to me you got me pregnant! I'm not ready this I'm not fucking ready!"

I yell as my voice cracks, I start pulling at my hair harder now as frustrated tears rolled down my cheeks. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my hair and placing them near my sides and pulling me into his chest.

"N-no! Get your hands off o-of m-me!"

I yelled in between sobs while squirming in his grasp but that only made his grip tighten on me as he rubbed my back.
After a while I gave up trying to fight back and uncontrollably sobbed into his chest.

I was taken away from my home



And now I'm pregnant

With my captors child...

I didn't want it

I didn't want this..this thing now growing inside of me, no I wanted it gone



Like it was never hear, I'm not ready to bear a child especially not his

I felt his hand slip under my knees as his other held onto my lower back as he lifts me but I don't have the energy to push him away, or to do anything my life is crashing down on me and I can't do anything about it.

I felt something soft as he removes his hands from me and I know we're on the bed. I pull my knees to my chest and just laid there with my eyes closed. I felt the weight shift in the bed and he pulled me closer to him until there was no room between the two of us.

What will he do when this baby comes?

Will he abandon me?

Will he throw me out along with the baby?

So many damaging thoughts were going through my mind ripping and tearing away at me with no mercy until I heard his voice.

"I'm sorry for everything Ive done, for everything I put you through. You don't deserve it any of it but like you said I'm fucked up in the mind. I know it's to late for an apology but I needed you to know how sorry I am and that I truly do love you. But now we're in to deep. There's no turning back now babe." His voice was soft and sweet but only one thing rang out through my head.

We're in to deep

There's no turning back

And he's right...

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