Chapter 9: Movin In

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Those weeks turned into months and those months turned in to years, 3 years to be exact since me and David have been together. He finally convinced me to move in with him.
"Come on I don't want to live alone" David said pulling me to him by my waist as I tried to walk away.
"Your such a baby." I replied
"Only because I need you," he said. I laughed laying my forhead on his chest. "What will I do with my house?" I asked
"You can turn it into your studio,your workplace," he replied
"Hey thats actually not a bad idea." I tapped my chin with my index finger,David looking at me waiting for an answer.
"Okay,I guess I could move in looks like you've got yourself a roommate." I said looking up at him.
"Yes!" He yelped cupping my face giving me a soft sweet kiss, it had made my mouth water.

We had finish bringing in the few boxes I had with my clothes, books, etc. I layed down on the couch my back and arms we killing me. David came in handing me a bottle of water he was wearing a black muscle shirt and dark grey sweats .
"Your not tired?" I asked with a sense of confusion.
"No not really," he replied as he shrugged his shoulders leaning over the couch, towering over me.
"Well I guess I need to work out more Im out of shape!" I slapped my belly popping it out as if I had just ate at an all you can eat buffet. David chuckled his deep voice vibrating.
"I go to the gym every other day you can come if you'd like, fair warning I'm a challenge theirs no quitting."
"Okay then you've got yourself a deal!" I replied.

I jumped of the couch rubbing my lower back. I layed down on the bed groaning in pain. I can hear David's feet as they hit the floor making it toward me. I felt the bed dip in next to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked, I turned my head over.
"I'm just a little sore," I replied
"Where?" He asked
"My lower back," I replied.
I can feel as he lifted his leg over to the other side of my body and sat on my rear. He began rubbing his thumbs and hands into my lower back.
"Oh God David," I groaned
He was rubbing all of my sore muscles and it felt like Heaven. I continued to groan as he made his way up to my upper back raising my shirt and unbuckled my bra massaging my
Shoulder blades. I figured where this would end up but I wasn't worried I was enjoying the massage.
"Looks like I'm trapped"I said
"Not for long," he replied
I felt his weight lift off of my hips, I struggled to get on my feet knocking David off to the side on the the bed and ran for bathroom which was right next to where David was laying.
"Oh no you don't!" He stood up getting to the bathroom before I could and swooped me up over his shoulder.
"This isn't fair your like 6ft tall," I said
"6'1 to be exact" he replied.
He layed me down on the bed but this time locking my hands with his so that I couldn't get away his hips in between my legs. We played like this all the time but this time he had a serious look on his face.
"What's wrong?" I said playfully wrapping my legs around his waist, still no answer but he loosened his grip on my hands and let go of me. I traced my finger along his chest.
"Are you alri-" I began to say but he cut me off with a kiss on my lips, he pulled slightly on my bottom lip and then embraced me again but this time he depend the kiss sticking his tongue in my mouth he has never kissed me like this before with such force and passion I couldn't think straight. I pulled away
"David this isn't right stop I-I can't" I whispered as the words slurred out of my mouth.
"It's only right if you let it be you can trust me.." He said as he slipped slender kisses down my neck.
I know it isn't right but something about him pulls at me,hungers for him and I can't help but give in..

David's POV
She pulled on my shirt, little moans slipping through as we kissed at that point I knew she felt the same. I pulled off my shirt not caring where it landed I've waited for this moment for so long I only yearned for her and only her since we met and it been 3 amazing years. I slipped off her tank top followed by her shorts. She wore a matching bra and thong very sexy. I slipped off her bra throwing it on the floor.
"Whoops I whispered in her ear.
"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time," I said
"Me too,"she said breathlessly
I took a condom from the night stand drawer peeling open the package. She stared at me in awe I began to take of my boxers before I leaned over her. I put the condom on I pulled her waist close to mine her body tensing up as our hips touched. I kissed her sweet spot behind her ear in attempt to help her relax in which she did as she slithered her fingers in my hair tugging it slightly I loved it when she did that.

Izabella's POV
I can feel as he pushed himself inside of me
"This may hurt," he told me before he continued.
I closed my eyes shut as sharp pains began in my lower abdomen. I whimpered as he slowly thrust himself against my hips, the pain was excruciating.
"Are you alright?" He asked trying to lift himself off of me.
"No it's okay," I said breathlessly wrapping my legs tighter around his waist. I was beginning to feel something and it was out weighing the pain. His chest was on mine one hand clenching my waist while the other supported his weight. I tugged on his hair pulling him closer, closing any gaps that may be between us as the sensation I was feeling grew with ever tug and thrust, our hips grinding together. I can hear him groan,our chest rapidly rising and falling. His grip on my hips were becoming more firm I loved the feeling of his hands gripping at my flesh. He knew exactly where to touch, were to kiss, what to say, I wasn't sure how much I could take this was nothing like the first time he had touched me this was way more.
He placed his head in the crook of my neck I could feel his heavy breathing.
"God Izzy," he whispered in my ear his thrust were becoming more intense and my legs were going limp.

David's POV
I've never felt something so good, so right in my life. There was something about Izzy that made me crave her not just her body but everything about her. every time I thrusted she would moan and I wanted more of it. Hours may have past but I didn't know this was one of the best moments in my life and at this point I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She still held on to me tightly. I kissed her eyelids she was so beautiful. I wiped the hair from her forehead her dark brown eyes staring in to mine. She looked disturbed tilting her head away from me. I gripped her chin making her look at me, her eyes were watering.
"Izzy what's wrong?" I asked her
She took a deep breath," I'm scared."
"Scared of what?" I asked
" leaving me after this." She replied. I knew this topic would come up at some point.
" Izabella I would never leave you especially after this, I love you and I never will stop loving you."
I wiped her already fallen tears off, of her cheeks before slightly kissing her lips.
"I could never imagine myself with another women besides you."

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