Chapter 40

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David's POV

I splashed water on my face and whipped it with a dry towel that was sitting on the rack. I took a deep breath before looking into the mirror.

Today is the day that I finally see her
Today is the day that I take her back
Today is the day that, that asshole finally gets what he deserves and I'll make sure of it.

I walked out the bathroom and opened the night stand drawer and placed my gun in the back belt loop of my jeans and then put on my jacket.

"Let's go" I say to Jeff and he nods and follows me out the door.

"I'll drive" I say getting in the drivers seat

"Before we go to the house lets stops at James I want to make sure he made it home alright and maybe he could tell us how it went with Marcus" Jeff said

I answered him with a tight nod and pulled out of the parking lot.
I knocked on the door and took a deep breath while shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Hello" I hear a shaky voice say and when I look up a women is standing in the doorway, I assume that it's James wife. She looked like she had been crying her eyes were red and swollen, and her nose was slightly red.

"Hello, we're looking for James"

That's when her bottom lip began to quiver and her eyes watered.

Shit I didn't mean to make her cry

I took her in my arms and embraced her.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you."
I say

"Oh no it's not you its just James didn't come home last night and he is never gone this long without telling me. I'm just scared."

I looked at Jeff and he looked at me and shook his head. There's only one possibility of where James is and it's not good.

When she pulled away from me and wiped her eyes with the palm of her hand I took a deep breath.

"We will go and look for James if we find out anything we will let you know." I say

"Thank you" she says

"Alright thank you for your time"

And with that we walked off of the porch and to the car.

"I said that it wasn't a good idea for him to go over there he's probably de-"

"Don't say that" I say cutting him off

"You never know maybe they had a few drinks or something and he passed out over there, you can't always assume the worse."

We drove down the street until we came up into this gigantic mansion.

"This must be the house he was talking about." Jeff says

"Yeah" I say

"Look before we go in"
I paused
"I want to thank you for coming along and for trusting in me, if anything happens-"

"We're gonna be just fine so stop saying your goodbyes, let's go"
Jeff said cutting me off and getting out of the car in which I followed.

I took out my gun and held it behind my back, Jeff motioned for me to go ahead and so I did. I walked up to the door with Jeff close behind me and I rang the doorbell.

"You ready?" Jeff asked

I held the gun out In front of me

"More than you think"
Isabella's POV

I was in the kitchen making me and Marcus some coffee when I heard the bell ring. Marcus insisted on getting the door so I proceeded to get the coffee cups. I could hear some voices going back and forth and they didn't sound happy. I set the cups down on the counter and pressed the start button on the coffee and walked to were Marcus would have been.

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