Chapter 30: Deeper

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Izabella's POV

I woke to pitch blackness, I felt a weight placed on my hip. I slowly moved my hands but I noticed that my right arm was hooked onto something. As I pulled trying to free my hand the weight shifted and pulled me closer. Suddenly all the memories from last night began invading my thoughts


I realized that it was Marcus that was laying next to me and I assumed it was his arm that was draped over my waist
I rubbed my hand over my chest, and let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was buttoned but only enough to cover my chest, my stomach was still exposed.
What happened after he left?
Who was at the door?
My mind couldn't help but roam and I couldn't see shit, so does that mean it's still night time? Maybe early in the morning?
I wanted out of what was chaining me to the bed, but that was hard when Marcus had a death grip on me. I decided I would just wait here until morning comes, or until he wakes up I know I wouldn't be able to get out anytime soon.
"You know it's hard to go to sleep when you keep moving" I heard his deep raspy voice say causing me to jump in fright. I felt his hand to start drawing circles on my stomach as he snuggled his head into my neck causing my whole body to stiffen.
"Relax baby I'm not gonna do anything" he whispered in my ear before pulling his hand away. I heard the squeak of the bed and a weight being lifted so I assume he got off the bed. After a few seconds a light was burning my eyes and I dug my face into the pillow grunting.
"You could have given me a warning" I say as I adjust to the light by blinking my eyes.
He chuckled
"You still would have reacted the same way"


"Get dressed I want to show you something."
He said calmly
"Okay" I say but as I try to move I forget that I'm hand cuffed to the bed.
"Uh- Marcus?"
He looked up
"Oh right hold on"
He pulled open the night stand drawer and pulled out a small key, I made a mental note of that as he unlocked the handcuffs setting my hand free. I rubbed the raw flesh to rid of the soreness but it wouldn't go away.
"I'll meet you downstairs. He said as he slipped on a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt.
"Okay" I said swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my feet touching the cold floor.
I wonder where we're going
I asked myself as my feet pitter patted over to the bathroom.

Marcus POV

When she came down stairs I observed her scanning her from head to toe. She wore a light pink sweater and dark grey yoga pants and white converse. Her hair was in a tight bun, a bit messy but it was fine. When she hit the last step she just stood there looking down not making eye contact with me. I don't know why she's so scared of me I only mean to love her and she knows that right?
"Come on" I say opening the door and gesturing for her to come and she did.

As we walked down the dirt trail she was quiet and kept a little distance between us which was understandable.
"Where are we going?" Her small voice asked looking up at me.
"It's a surprise" I say smiling.
I looked at her and she resumed to being her quiet self and I didn't like that.
"You know it's okay to talk, we'll be walking for about another 15 minutes."
She glanced up at me.
"I'm not really sure what to say" she said
"Are you enjoying this walk?" I asked shoving my hands into my pocket.

"Yeah I like the fresh air" she said lifting her head and closing her eyes, letting the wind brush past her neck and shoulders.
"And you?" She asked looking at me through the corner of her eye.

"Yes I am very much" I say smiling it wasn't a lie I really was enjoying it.

We walked and only made small talk, after a while we just walked silently. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get her to talk much but I just wanted to hear her voice.

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