Keeping Your Head High

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Life can be difficult, rough cruel. But in my eyes it is a gift. It all starts with being in a happy mood. Do you want me to tell you how? Well that’s exactly it! You were excited to hear my answer weren’t you? Well that’s how anyone can live life while keeping their head high. It’s looking forward to things. By having the little joys in life like coming home from work or school, looking forward to just relaxing on the computer or doing a *Hobby* (*go to the “Hobby’s” chapter*) that makes you feel just magical. For example, mine is sewing. It’s just the little joy that I do whenever I can (besides the Sims). Then while you’re making your way through the day and troubles come your way, you can just think of how great it will be at the end of the day when you can just relax and have the time of your life. By having something to look forward to you perk up whenever you think about it! For example what if it was close to Christmas time and you were just in the merriest mood. Why do you think that happens?

Psychology shows that when someone is in a good mood it’s contagious, and is definitely worth it. Then we have being confident. Confidence (to me of course) is living with no fears. You feel everything is funny and in the face of danger don’t take many things seriously. That is how I look apon challenges. When I am nervous or afraid of something I try to look it in the eye. By meaning, looking at it in a different way. For example if you had to sing in front of some people. You would approach it as embarrassing, terrifying, or both. I would break down that facture, and try to figure out why it would be thought that way. To be honest, singing is just throwing your voice, it’s just talking! But we as a species (as we usually do) think of it as different and even dangerous. But I avoid that thought, and I think of it in a different way. My method is doing something I call WWH; -What is the problem, -Why is it a problem, -How can I change it. To see how big a problem REALLY is, just compare it to something worse. That way you are thinking of the matter with a positive attitude! My problem is being embarrassed to sing. It is a problem because I’ve never sang in front of anyone before. I can try it to see if I am comfortable with it. There you have a peculiar problem solver. So whenever you are in a jam just think with confidence that you can do anything and that it really isn’t that big of a problem at all, when you think about it!

If your life has been pretty down lately and you think of life as glum instead of marvelous, you should always think about what you do have instead of what you don’t. If your grades slip in school and you don’t have many friends, maybe you should look on the bright side.  You always have your family. If you lose your job- At least you have friends. So really, when you look at it, the world is a great place, people are an evil race. But we can all change that; it will just take a little time. When you’re happy, don’t wait until someone asks you, let it shine and make someone else’s day! If you’re in a bad mood just use these steps for the three scenarios laid out for you. Don’t forget to show your smile!

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