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  • Dedicated to The Joy of Writing


It’s a harsh world out there. When you are ready to go out into it you have to be ready. If you aren’t yet you need to have a good school record (GRADES) to get a good job and be successful in life. Let’s hope you have good friends and a good family for support on your magical life adventure. Dreams are an important life decision that will help you ‘Power Though Challenges’. They give you hope and encouragement through all of your problems. But don’t have a dream that is too difficult, save those until your older. Be sure to save money until you have a secure base for your household. It will be difficult in tomorrow’s society but be strong eventually it will get easier. Some advice I have is to always be prepared and be nice to the people around you (it will make for a good reputation in your neighborhood). Your dreams may take a while to complete but don’t give up and remind yourself of how great it will be when you accomplish it. You’re really lucky if that happens to you because it takes hard work and deep thinking. When you’re on the wild train ride that life brings you remember, never be boring and always;

       Live beyond cloud nine (: 


I would like to thank my family in consideration of my voice in making this book.

I hope everyone who read this book has learned some morals about the true meaning of life in some way.

I hope to see you in my next books and business work.

I hope someday the world will realize the importance of making peace in our one and only environment.

I wrote this book to teach people the joy of a spazzy and collected lifestyle.

-When life gives you lemons, make orange juice.

                                                             By; Kat .D.

You can forget a lot of things but never forget to be happy (:

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