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  • Dedicated to All My Amazing Fans

So! You've mastered the art of handling your attitude and now you want to know what you can do with it. Well that little enjoyment at the end of your day can do wonders for you lifestyle. But it is all about the things you do to congratulate your brain for getting through the day! Some of the hobby's I do are Video games (for a bit of a relaxation) Sewing (for a productive and fun activity) and then I usually make up a fake business for myself! Over the years I've had so many businesses/creative activity's I don't even remember all of them! Usually when I think of something really fun to do, I make it into a business for myself! So when I finish I feel really good (plus its super fun) For example; I've made newspapers, books, a YouTube career, websites and more.. But it all really depends on your interests, if you're a technophobe, a physical activity like exercising may be your thing. Do you like TV? Why not make your own fake series (you could even through it on YouTube like me).

It also matters WHEN you do them, maybe exercising right before work may not be such a good idea, on a sunny day, why not! If you still don't see why you should have hobbies, think of it this way, would you rather bore yourself and the people around you, or would you improve yours and other people's performances while stimulating your brain while having fun. It's not very important, but when you think about it, it's that little thing at the end of the day that you enjoy doing, and it pays off by making your mind comfortable with almost ANY situation! So the next time you're bored, don't just plop yourself in front of the TV, think of what your brain will feel like in the morning.

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