Powering Through Challenges

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  • Dedicated to My Dad

Ever had a challenge or task that was just too big for you to handle? Whenever you think about it, it overwhelms you and overwhelms you enough that you could just pop into a depressing mood? It happens to people all over the world, all the time. Especially with your job, these types of problems get thrown out to you all the time, and sometimes even some dramatic comedys can’t solve it! If this has happened to you, you know how it feels. Most people try to avoid it up to the part where their stressing themselves and rushing it. Others may go right to and just feel a complete block, which overwhelms them too. Well if this ever happens, with school or work, it can easily be solved. By taking what I like to call; BTW breaks. –Back-To-Work Break!

First (whatever job you have) start working on it. For example if you had this big problem with a piece of work your boss handed over to you to fix. I would (if you need to) find the problem. Problem too big for you to solve, well with this BTW Break all you need to do is look at some media made ideas! Get your brain refreshed and come up with some ideas; look online! Once you have an idea, its back to work time. Still having a block? It’s no problem! Brain-storm some ideas of your own and shape-shift around them until one works. Then you could always call up a friend or create something from scratch. Make it up as you go, then add up all the facts you need onto it. Than voila! You now have a 100% unique campaign. Start working on it. Once you have worked for up to 1hour, have a thirty minute fun break. Watch your favorite show or call up a friend. That is you’re Break, now it’s back to work again!

The fact that you can be overwhelmed is taken over quickly by the fun you’re then having, so it’s a win-win situation for your brain. Repeat this process and take as long as it needs to look like it’s had a lot of effort put in. That is you’re BTW Break. Your boss doesn’t like it. Ask them what the problem is and see if you can get them to feel for you. The key to multi-media success is having 100% original ideas. So in the end, you can sit back and relax. Having a different problem? Like school or friends? No problem you can follow along the same lines and eventually feel proud. Rewards feel greater when you work harder for them, so in the end you know you did the best you can do. When you try to power through challenges, there will be some times when you just want to give up, but that’s the key of powering through tough tasks, and don’t give up until you’re happy with your work.

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