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  • Dedicata a Some of my BESTEST friends

Friends are a big gift and can also be a huge influence on your life. This is hard to talk about but very important for people in the world. When having friends it’s important to know and be careful with whom you choose. Or who chooses you. Some friends are true and some friends just use you, so when it comes down to it you really have to be careful when it comes to people. If you’ve had an Ex-friend you know how it feels. Some friendships even last lifetimes! When it comes to people there are “Friendly People” a person that usually is in a book or a dream (and aren’t very common) than there are the “Control People” who you would pass in everyday life and ignore and muter about later. These People don’t like to talk usually and are always just about ‘Go Go GO’! You can easily tell who is friendly, or in-control, especially when they are in school with you.

This is when peoples personalities are forming and you can figure out pretty soon if they can change or not. It is very rare finding a person just like you, so when you come across it, don’t let it go. If you are not in school anymore and you come across these people, you can see if they are indeed interested. Friendships have up’s and down’s and sometimes it’s just not meant to be, but sometimes just showing a little bit of random kindness at a time can pay off for you and others around you. There are ‘Term 1’ friendships, that workout over time, there are ‘Term 2’ friendships, that are just temporary, and then there are ‘Term 3’ friendships, which are just false.

You have to watch out for all of these relationships because even though it may seem un-important, it really stinks when you get tricked. To get a Soul friend (Term 1) it may take a while, but when it is found, it doesn’t matter at all. You must get along and have fights sometimes to show that it is not false. Term 2 relationships you can have with anyone and you don’t even have to be close, it’s more of a “Oh ya, we hang out!” kind of situation. It could even turn into a Term 1 over time. When you know you have a real friendships or relationship with someone you feel joy when you’re with them and don’t even have to be doing anything to have fun with them. When people tend to throw themselves at you and you haven’t really ever talked to them before than it could be a sign that your falling into a Term 3. They usually just use you either for fun or for a temporary laugh- though it isn’t funny in the end. So to avoid these types of people you need to stick to your real friends and away from anyone suspicious. If you get concerned with your new “BFF” do some research;

Did they have a gang of friends before?

Were they ever nice to me before?

Are they mean to people around me?

Because you never know what could happen in this generation. Friend troubles come along as well and that’s definitely not pretty, especially when you’re at an older age when fights get more serious. When you’re in a fight with someone, try to see their perspective on the topic, it will usually make a big difference. It’s always good to be thankful for what you have and do it while you can. If you’ve had a rough past, gaining friendships again can bedifficult at first but if someone likes you and vice versa, don’t fight it, use it! Or when you finally want to use it you can’t. Finding friends is hard for some people and it might take time before you really find a Term 1 but the wait is worth it because it’s the best feeling when you have a backup person when you need them most.

Ever had a friend who you thought was the best but slowly turned on you over the years? It happens, and the results usually aren’t friendly. The best thing you can do is either let go or change a little with them! There are many different situations that you may come across with other people in the society that you live in. It will be tough at first but don’t let anyone bully or bother you. School is rough when you don’t have fun in it. Other kids make fun of you and you’re just bored. That’s when friends come in and sometimes you don’t have any. But sometimes you got to go to them! My only advice is open your schema and let in new ideas! For eg;

-Change your Style -Change your Hobbies

But don’t ever stop being you (: 

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