Chapter 9 : cat out of the bag

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The next day, you woke up surprisingly peacefully, no broken furniture in sight or unfortunate noises due to clumsiness.

As you got up and walked to the kitchen, you noticed your purple mug, in one piece, drying by the sink.

...That was a first.

For once, the God of Destruction hadn't made any victims.

Your phone buzzed in your hand, a notification from Namjoon popping up.

He had sent you a text thanking you for your hospitality and begging you to come visit him at his farm as soon as possible.

You smiled as you got ready for work, your mind elsewhere. He may not have broken anything today, but his sweetness was something that was consistent in him.

You made a mental note to yourself to take the time to go to his farm once your schedule would permit it. (And it would give you the opportunity to check if Namjoon had spoke the truth when he said he didn't burn his whole barn down)

"'Kay Moon I'm heading out! See you tonight! Love you!" you called out, too much in a hurry to go looking for the lazy cat, popping a strawberry in your mouth before leaving.

You quickly picked up your bag, that seemed a bit heavier than usual, and rushed over to the office.

You finally settled on your desk, greeting your colleagues before opening your briefcase on your lap.

You almost had a heart attack as a small white feline's head poked out of your crumpled papers, like those clowns in square boxes. (whoever bought those demonic things to their children were either crazy with no common sense, or simply cruel)

You gulped down a scream, your eyes darting around rapidly to see if anyone else had witnessed the event instead.

"Moony, what the hell are you doing here!?" You whisper-yelled in disbelief at the scandalous senseless criminal that was your cat.

The latter simply batted his eyes innocently as you, tilting its cute satanic little head to the side.

Damn that adorable head...

What were you going to do with him now?!

You weren't going to kick him out of the office, what if he got lost?

But hiding him here wouldn't be too easy either...

You tried to look around, discretely opening and closing your drawers, desperate to find a hiding spot for the furry hooligan.

Despite all your efforts though, you had to finally give up in defeat at an attempt to find a solution, as Moony got himself out of the bag quietly and peacefully snuggled himself on your lap instead.

You settled with this output, carefully scooting your chair closer to your desk so he would be hidden under it, occasionally reaching under it to scratch his ear a bit as you got to work.

Despite the stress of someone busting you out, it was a very good day, the calm cat bringing a bit of peace to your busy and buzzing head.

At the end of the day, Moony hopped back into your bag, forgetting to tuck his tail in, in a manner that made a poof of white fur stick out of it, dancing back and forth tranquilly as you walked (thankfully people paid no mind, and if they did, they just thought it was a weird keychain of yours.)

As you walked back home, this incident made you realize that, since Joonie had come to visit, Moony, if it was possible, was 10 times clingier than usual.

Indeed, as soon as you got home and thought you would have the liberty to scold him for his irresponsibility, he only rubbed himself against your leg again and again, oblivious to your outrage.

And once you were done spilling out all your guts and decided to calm yourself by getting to work, what did that sneaky thing do?

He got on your computer, seeking more attention!

Annoyed, you picked him up and put him on the floor, but that didn't discourage him from climbing back on it and sitting his fluffy butt on your keyboard, looking at you intensely.

Seeing you did nothing but roll your eyes, he moved from your computer (hooraaaay)... only to punch a bunch of random keys instead, completely unfazed (not hooraaaay).

As if that wasn't enough, he decided to stab the ">", ":" and "(" keys repeatedly, making an army of ">:(" appear on your laptop screen.

"Is this your way of getting back at me? Is this your way of seeking revenge?"

The cat nodded with determination and meowed loudly, his small green eyes defying you.

"Well then, seek revenge somewhere else!" you said as you just lifted him up and plopped him away from your computer.

The cat hissed a bit, turning his head in disdain as he swayed his hips dramatically, making his way to his usual spot on the couch

"... don't tell me all of this is because of Joon..." you sighed in despair, ready to plunge your head in your hands as Moony kept ignoring you.

Moony meowed in agreement, shaking his head vehemently.

"Well, don't twist everything, I'm the victim here! Not you! You brought yourself to my workplace, and had the nerves to punch my laptop mercilessly!"

The cat only grumbled in response, turning his head away from you.

"I really should have named you Grumpy Cat" you laughed, getting up to join him, unable to keep this distance between the both of you.

"I'm sorry having Joon over made you feel neglected..." you picked him up so you would be on eye level with him.

"You're the one I love!" You chuckled, pecking his light pink nose.

This apparently satisfied the flustered mess that had become your favorite cat, that put all resentment aside to purr into your arms.

This chapter is so useless but I just had to write my stupid idea in, I found it cheesy cute okay?!😂 (and also I had to write smt it's been forever hehe)

Remember when I said I'd be more active bc it was summer vacation?
Ye forget that 😂
Turns out I have loads of summer hw for the school I'm going to next year (3 books to read and annotate in philo, and all my math, science, and bio classes from 11th and 12th grade to summarize on lil sheets of paper)
So ye all of a sudden the vacay aren't so vacay anymore 😂

It's not that bad but obviously that leaves me less time to work on this, but I hope I'll still find a minute every now and then to write and upload here!

Thanks for sticking around ❤️
Have a great day❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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