Chapter 15

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"What was that?" Bucky exclaimed flinging his hands about like a madman. We were currently on our way back into the building. Let's just say if you thought jet was fancy this was like some royal family shit. Like really beautiful.

"I could tell something was up and I wanted help...just in case." I explained back. Completely calm.

"Alright." Bucky sighed. "They are going to take him but we have 8 hours." So thaatttttsss what they were talking about. I was the only one there who didn't know Xhosa as HYDRA never taught me it. I probably wasn't deployed to the at all. Or I did know it but it was wiped.

"Okat...what's our plan?" I asked Buck.

"We just do the plan...but faster." His eyebrows creased as if he didn't believe his own plan. To be honest it's always adorable when he does that but not the point Y/n. Not the point. Or is it?

"Yeah love it but that is the shittiest plan I have ever heard." I joked. It's only when I saw him pout that I stopped joking. "Aww I'm sorry my little spy." I cooed before pressing my lips onto his. "Now come on we can't leave Zemo and Sam alone because they might elope to the Marvin Gaye soundtrack."

"Listen I'm sorry about what I told was at the complete wrong time." Bucky stopped me before I could walk off by holding my hand.

"No it's not your fault...I asked you and you did as I asked...I just didn't like the truth." I smiled warmly. "Now come on Elsa." I dragged both Bucky and I up the stairs.

"You just love Disney nicknames don't you?"

"Absolutely." I threw the door open to see Zemo in a robe and drying his hair. My hands flew to my eyes and Bucky's hand clamped over my hand. "Could you like warn me next time you want to enter a magic Mike competition please."

"Okay okay...1 second." Zemo's strong European accent said. I heard a bit of shuffling and then his voice again. " can look now." Now that I opened my eyes I saw his chest was not as out and was covered. Thank God for that. The only person I wouldn't mind a strip tease from was Buck but I guess we don't always get what we want.

"Better...thankyou." I huffed out with relief. "Just saying Zemo you are completely fucked."

"Excuse me." He said in an almost annoyed tone. I guess I didn't phrase my sentence properly.

"Well the Wakandans are here. They want Zemo." I saw almost worried a worried look cross Sam's face. "Bought us some more time."

"Were you followed?" Sam asked. Shit. I didn't even think of that. Oh well I'm sure Buck did.


"How can you be so sure?" I don't know why Zemo asked that because he knows full well that Bucky would know if he was or not but I wasn't going to start anything.

"Cause I know when I'm being followed."

"It was sweet of you to defend me-"

"Ugh ugh Mr Bond Villain...he did not defend you ass...they don't defend murderers." I defended. Ironic isn't it.

"Well they have defended are no better than me" Zemo sassed back. That's when I snapped.

I grabbed a glass decanter of whiskey and threw it at him. I narrowly missed him but one of the pieces of shattered glass rebound and cut a bit of Zemo's face. "At least you had a fucking choice." I sneered before turning away and making my way into the bedroom of Bucky and I.

Inside I knew he was right but it just hurt to hear. I am a murderer. I killed someone. Well someones. Yes I know that isn't grammatically right.

To be honest I was a little embarrassed about what I did but i still think he deserved it. However I stupidly threw the whiskey at him with my injured arm so that bitch hurt but it felt good yet bad. I felt as if  I deserved it for behaviour. I know now that it was a very shitty mentality but at the time it felt right.

Out of nowhere I heard on the door. "Fuck off I'm not in the mood." I yelled through the door. However the door opened anyway. "Or just completely ignore me that's cool."

"Hey doll." His voice just melted me thoroughly. It always would. That's the thing when you fall love someone. You also fall in love with their voice and when you hear it. It just reminds you of the love. Sounds cheesy I know but that's how I think of it.


"Don't listen to him alright." Bucky approached me and wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. "You are not a murderer hear are not a murderer...yes you have killed people and I'm not saying that's a good thing but how are you meant to stop yourself when you aren't in control. That's like trying to stop a car you aren't driving." Buck comfortingly rubbed my back with his real hand as the vibrations of his words reverberated from his chest into mine.

"Thanks Bucky." I whispered. I felt bad for not saying anymore but I couldn't think of anything else but the gentle hum he did reassured me.

"Love you doll."

"Love you too Elsa."

"Way to ruin it." Bucky chuckled. I pulled my head off of Bucky's chest and kissed his cheek. " come on let's go and kick some ass." He offered me his arm and walked us out of the room.

Both Zemo and Sam turned to us. "You know Karli is getting worse." The Sokovian man said. "We must complete the mission." Oh I knew what that meant. That meant kill her.

"She is just a kid." Sam defended. Thank god we are talking like normal people. Due to my out burst I was slightly worried that they would be pitiful upon me but thankfully not.

"You're seeing something in her that isn't're clouded by it...she is a supremacist the very concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It's that warped aspiration that led to Nazis, to Ultron, to the Avengers." Wow Zemo is really making me change my opinion of him.

"Hey those are my family." I butted in in a harsh tone.

"The Avengers not the Nazis." Bucky very clearly stated.

"So Karli is radicalised, but there has to be a peaceful way to stop her." Sam spoke rationally.

"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path. She will not stop. She will escalate until you kill her. Or she kills you." Zemo explained. Well thanks.

"Maybe you're wrong Zemo...the serum never corrupted Steve." Fair point Sam fair point.

"Touche but there hasn't been another  Steve Rodgers has there?" Zemo asked rhetorically.

"Can we give him back please." I rudely said to Sam about the Baron.

"And you'll give up your tour guide?" He bargained. I was REALLY thinking about it.

"Yes." Bucky said quite simply.

"From my understanding, Donya is like a pillar of the community...right?" Sam asked Zemo. He was trying to change the subject but yet Zemo nodded accepting the change. "So when I was a kid my TT passed away." TT?  What the fuck is a TT.

"Your TT?"  Buck asked whilst taking  seat on the couch.

"Yeah man my TT."

"Can we stop saying TT please." I commended. I walked around the kitchen and opened a cupboard in which contained some chips by the name of Estrella. I snatched the chips out of the cupboard and opened the packet. "Want one?"

"No thanks." They all said. More for me then. I shoveled the chips into my mouth as I listened to the men talk. "Who is your TT?" Zemo asked.

"Fine when my AUNT passed away the entire neighbourhood got together for a ceremony it was a week long...maybe they are doing the same for Donya." Sam explained. It made sense...from what I heard Donya was important.

"It's worth a shot."

"Your TT would be proud of you." Zemo said in an almost teasing tone. He routed around the same cupboard and picked up a rub of Turkish Delights. "Turkish Delight?" He held out the tub and I quickly picked one out. "Irresistible."

"Where now?"

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