The Incident

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-Chap 1-
3rd person POV~

     Bakugo had to stay back at school today because he had detention after blowing up his homework in class because there was 'too much' according to him. Bakugou gets home around 7:00pm to find a suspicious looking black car zooming away from his home, definitely breaking the speed limit. He walks in to see broken glass everywhere and blood splattered on the ground and walls, it was a gruesome scene.

"Old hag..?!" He calls out nervously. He hoped desperate that one of his parents would call out to him. Mabye they would pop up and say  'April Fools!'.

     He cautiously walks to the kitchen where he finds his mom lying lifelessly on the ground. He desperately checks her pulse to find nothing, she was cold to the touch... dead 'she's really dead' he thinks.

    Bakugou scrambled to grab his phone and calls authorities. For the next 10 minutes he sat there staring blankly at his mothers lifeless body, covered in stab wounds.

     When the cops arrived, Bakugou was forced to leave his home. Then taken into a nearby cop car to rest until they sorted out the situation.

      After about 15 minutes the authorities came back out to inform Bakugou that his father was also found brutally stabbed to death in the bathroom. He looked up at the cop with watery eyes, and looked very fragile.

     Once Bakugou was able to fully process and take in that his prenatal were dead, they were never coming back, his breathing quickened. Then he started to lose consciousness and pass out from shock, after that he was taken to a nearby hospital.

     He slowly regained consciousness only to find himself in a blindingly white room.

"Shitty lights.." Bakugou mumbles angrily to himself, letting his eyes adjust to the light slightly.

    After he's able to see clearly again, he props himself up with his elbows and takes a hazy glance around the room.

     Bakugou notices a cold liquid running down his face. He touches it with his pointer finger, only to realize it was a tear....

"The fu-" Bakugou gasps, thats when all the memories of last night come flooding back into his head.

     He turns his head in the direction of soft snoring that was coming from next to his hospital bed. Bakugou notices a familiar tuft of green hair.

"D-Deku!? Why the hell are you here!" Bakugou yells, sitting up more.

"Katsuki dear, please calm down, ile explain everything, also Izu is still asleep" Inko says in a calming tone.

"I know your probably confused, but please let me explain why we're here. You see... the authorities found a note in the back pocket of your mothers geans, it was addressed to our family and you as well." Inko explains, pulling out said note from her purse and handing it to him.

"Why..?" Bakugou questions, staring wide eyed at the note.

"Why did she write it..?" Bakugou asks, raising his tone a bit.

"You see, the police believe Mitsuki may have known someone was after her... You can read it, if you want, it'll explain everything." Inko explains sadly

"Sure..." Bakugou mumbles, slowly unfolding the note.

'Dear Katsuki & Inko

     I know this is gonna be hard, and if you have this letter, then that probably means I'm already dead, along with Masaru.. I know this is allot to take in, but suck it up and move on! Don't let my loss drag you down! And Katsuki, never give up on being a hero!

     But my final wish is that Katsuki will live with the Midoriya's until you can live on your own. I know you haven't been on the best terms with Izuku as of late, but I want you to try and work out your differences.. for me?

     If your wondering about our murder, we'll, it has to do with LOV. But a true hero can figure it out themselves. Have fun! I hope you AND Izuku will be able to figure this out!' The note read

"Fucking old hag..." Bakugou mumbles, rolling his eyes.

"So... is that alright..?" Inko questions sweetly, looking into Bakugou's eyes.

"Sure, I'll move in with you, Inko, thank you." Bakugou replies with a teary tone, folding the note again.

"It's no big deal, Katsuki." Inko replies, tearing up, as Inko will miss Mitsuki greatly.

"I would take you back to your new home right away but the cops would like to ask you a few questions. The doctors need to do one last check up before you can leave as well." Inko informs Bakugou, smiling sadly.

"Oh, I have to go and set up your new bedroom, sorry... But you'll have Izuku to keep ya company!" Inko informs before she leaves the room.

"Alright..." Bakugou replies, slightly ticked off he has to stay longer.




*knock, knock*

"Eh?" Bakugou questions, peering at the hospital door curiously.

"It's the police." An officer announces, carefully opening the door before walking in.

"Oh." Bakugou replies simply, sitting up.

"Could we talk in the hallway, Bakugou?" The cop asks, taking a glance at Izuku who was still fast asleep on the uncomfortable hospital chair, his head leaning on the bed.

"Sure, I guess..." Bakugou mumbles a reply, standing up carefully from his bed.

     The cop escorts Bakugou out into the hallway were two other cops stand waiting next to a bench nearby. They tell him to sit down, in witch he complies.

"Hey there kiddo, I know you've been through some tough situations recently. But if you can answer a few questions we'll let ya off the hook. Sounds good?" Officer 'one' informs Bakugou, he nods in response.

"Oh and we read the note so no need to a address it." Officer 'two' chimes in, Bakugou nods again in relief.

"Alright, first question, did you see anything suspicious as you were entering your home last?" Officer 'three' asked in a kind tone.

"Yeah, I think so." Bakugou confessed as he fiddled with his thumbs nervously.

"Would you kindly describe what you saw?" Officer 'three' questions in a gentle tone.

"There was this stupid black car that was driving super fucking fast away from my house as I was walking down the sidewalk. That's all I know, I'm not a car geek so I don't know shit about what type it was..." Bakugou responds, trying not to let himself seem weak or helpless in front of people.

"Thank you, Katsuki, that's very helpful." Officer 'one' says, Bakugou nods in response but keeps his eyes glued to his hands.

"Ok, and what time did you happen to arrive home?" Officer 'three' asks, crossing his fingers.

"S-seven pm, I stayed after school for fucking detention.... If... if I wouldn't have got in trouble they wouldn't be d-dead. This is all my fault! I'm so stupid. Im the reason there both DEAD!!" Bakugou breaks down, cupping his face in his hands shamefully.

"Hey kid calm down, in no way is this your fault! You couldn't have prevented this..."Officer 'one' reassures as he guides Bakugou back into my hospital room.

     Bakugou plops down on his hospital bed as he watches the cops leave the room. Once the door slams shut he stares at the ceiling and allows a few stray tears to flow down his face...


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