The End :>

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-Last... Chap 17-
Izuku POV~
I woke up but didn't bother open my eyes, my whole body hurt and I didn't get why, I unconsciously shuffle to the warmest spot when I feel... 'a person? A. PERSON.!?' My eyes shoot open and I look up to see a smirking Kacchan, I immediately froze...

"U-um Ka-Kacchan, imsorryidontknowwhyimhereileleavenowbye!" I quickly say in one breath as I turn dark pink

I sit up and am about to jump off the bed when I realize I'm naked, 'well thank god I didn't jump off the bed, I still have the b-blanket!' I think

"W-why am I-I, wher a-are my c-clothes Ka-Kacchan?" I ask as I begin to worry more and more

"You don't remember do you, Izu~" Kacchan says

I was about to say something when I froze at the nickname 'Izu..?'

"W-what?" I ask

"Just use my clothes Nerd" Kacchan says as he gets up and throws some clothes at me

"O-oh th-thank you K-Kacchan.." I say awkwardly

"No problem, Izu~" Kacchan says with a smirk

"Wh-why d-do yo-you k-k-keep calling m-me tha-that" I say as my anxiety starts to rise

"Yo calm the fuck down, anyways you asked me to call you this pretty much" Kacchan reply with a huff

'Okay now I'm confused, like, when?? Pretty much?? What did I forget??' My thoughts are going a million miles an hour at this point

"Ca-can y-you le-leave so I-I c-can ch-change or so-something.." I mumble

"Damn, and I used to fucking change to you too, ah well" Kacchan says as he walks into his bathroom

'He what'

I quickly put on the clothes, which consist of skinny jeans, an oversized grey sweater, a black T-Shirt, boxers, and gray socks, and knock on the bathroom door.

"So your finally fucking done, ok then let's go!" Kacchan says as he starts dragging me by the wrist towards his door

"W-wait wh-where!! I-I do-don't even h-have sh-shoes o-on!" I say

"Oh." He replies as he stops dead in his tracks

Kacchan grabs some of his smaller shoes and throws them at me, which I quickly put them on

"K, we gotta leave now" Kacchan states firmly as he starts dragging me out the door again

"W-wait wh-where!?" I ask, still trying to comprehend what's happening

"Recovery, ile explain when we get there, but let's fucking hurry!" Kacchan says

I still don't really get what's happening or what's up with the new nick name and change of attitude, but I let him drag me to recovery because if I resist god knows what he'll do.

*time skip to outside of recovery's*

"Tch, ok Izu, you ready?" Kacchan asks

'Dejavu, but why?' I think before nodding and being dragged into the office, I look around to see Recovery Girl, Mr. Aizawa, and Principal Nezu, 'why those two?'

"Ah we've been waiting for you two.." Recovery says

Kacchan just nods and we wait patiently, we'll one of us isn't as patient '*cough cough* Kacchan, *cough* sorry rona lol', for her to continue

"So Bakugo, have you told him yet?" Recovery asks

"Erm, no? How the hell do I tell him, 'oh hey btw you were a fucking baby' Yah no, that's your damn job ain't it!" Kacchan says

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