Baby Midoryia's Gifts!

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-Chap 15-
3rd Person POV~
Bakugo swiftly picks up baby Deku and positions him comfortably on his hip as he makes his way out the door and heads to the stairs

"Alright Deku, I'm gonna cover your eyes, don't fucking move my hand alright!" Bakugo says

"Ok Kacchan!" Izuku responds

Bakugo places his free hand over his eyes, his hand nearly covering his whole chubby little face because of the size difference and age difference between the duo.

"Alright extras I brought him" Bakugo grumbles

"Eeee! Ok!" Mina squeals

"Oh! You can uncover his eyes now Bakugo!" Momo declares

Bakugo slowly uncovers the broccoli head to reveal all his classmates in a big group, next to them is a table with a ton of snacks, on the other side of them there is a table full of carefully packages present.

"SUPRISE!" The group yells in unison (minus Mineta bc nowhone likes him)

Baby Izuku's eyes light up as he looks around the room and see's all his gifts and his friends all gathered for him, but then he notices one is missing!

"Hey where is the guy who a-always wears a big diaper and h-has grapes for h-hair? The s-short one? I forgot his n-name..." Izuku asks innocently

"Ah we don't need him, if you talk to him it's bad luck alright?" Sero says

"Ok..?" Izuku says, slightly confused

"I didn't know you were good with kids man!?" Denki exclaims

"Me either" Sero says shrugging

"Ok *clap* time for snack!?" Momo says with a clap

"YES!" Izuku yells which makes everyone giggle and even Bakugo put on a small smile

*time skip to after they ate* (idk make up any snacks, also they ate together as a class, excluding Mineta lol)

"THATS WAS SO GOOD! Who made the chocolate cake!" Izuku yells excitedly

"Oh, that was me..." Koda says shyly

"Well it was veryyy g-good mister!" Izuku says cheerfuly

"T-thank you Midoriya" He replies

"Ooookkk! I think we can all agree we liked the snacks?" Mina says as she clasps her hands together, reviving approving nods from all her classmates.

"So time for presents!?" Izuku asks as he bounces up and down on Bakugo's thighs

"Yes!" Momo replies

Bakugo once again positions Izuku on his hip and they walk over to the second table where over a dozen presents lye in a neat order spread across.

"Woah!" Midoriya says as he practically has stars in his eyes as he carefully scans over each and every present

"Which one should he open first?" Kirishima asks to nowhone in particular

"We can draw names?" Iida suggests

"Good idea!" Momo replies

Poor confused little Izuku just looks between them not knowing what there talking about while Iida traps sticky notes from thin air and neatly writes down 12 names of the people who got him gifts and not snacks, and puts them in a spare bowl.

"Alright! Midoriya here can pick one sticky note with our name on it at a time, we'll line them up In order and that's how we will open the presents!" Momo instructs as they all nod, kinda shocked at how they came up with that so fast

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