Settling In

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-Chap 13-
Bakugo POV~
After I nearly blew Raccoon Eyes face off, lunch was over so me and Deku started walking out until we bumped into someone.

"Ahhh so the rumors are true, two students from class 1-A really had a kid together in secret! *evil laughter*" Monoma says

My eyes went wide, rumors?

"The hell are you?" I asked impatiently

"Well you see I-" He tried to say

Then this other girl came and knocked him out

"Sorry about him" she said

"You should be" I said with a huff

Then I walked back to class were I had to explain the situation, again.

*time skip to the end of the school*

Me and Deku where walking out of the school, back home, when I noticed Deku fell asleep.

"Oh Bakugo you might need this!" Ponytail said

She handed me a bag with baby stuff for Deku, I huffed at her, took the bag, and started walking

"HEYYYYY, Bakugooo!" Shitty hair yelled

"Fuck you want" I said

I created small sparks from my free hand

"Woah man, calm down, Ile exp-" Shitty hair was cut off

"WE WANTED TO CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR KNEW LOVE CHILD" Raccoon Eyes and Pickachu said in unison

"The fu-" I tried to say

"Sooooo, how did it feel~" Pickachu asked

"What do yo- THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU EXTRAS!!" I yelled

"Woah Bakuhoe, calm down!" Raccoon eyes said

I ignored them and stomped away, once I was out of sight from them, I started walking normally all the way back to Deku's house.

"He Mrs. Midoriya, we're back." I said

"Oh welcom back Katsu- Izu...? Is. A. Baby!?" She said wide eyed

"He got hit by a quirk, that's all I know." I replied

"Did you see who did it!?" She asks

"No, sorry, I was looking at my phone for like 15 seconds and then he's a baby." I replied blankly

"Oh, well, I have to work all night, but when Izu was this age, he couldn't sleep without cuddling with someone, you might remember from when you were kids." She said

Mrs. Midoriya slowly looked back up with pleading eyes, I huffed and slowly nodded

"Oh thank you Katsuki!!" She said

I walked up to my room and checked the clock, 6:47, what time do little kids sleep!? I pulled out my phone and googled it.
Katsuki Bakugo: what time do 4 year olds sleep

Google: kids between the ages of 4-6 should get 10 hours of sleep and would naturally go to sleep around 8pm
10 hours, doesn't sound like a very Deku amount of sleep but oh well, I sighed and set an alarm for 1 hour.

*10 minute time skip*

Deku started stirring in his sleep and eventually fluttered his eyes open, why the hell are his eyes so big, I thought.

"K-Kacchan!" Deku said

He was glowing when he saw me, and he had the biggest cutest smile I've ever seen

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