The Hospital

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-Chap 2-

It had been around 10 minutes since the cops left and Bakugou had been playing video games on his phone the whole time. Izuku was still asleep. He was still in the uncomfortable hospital chair.
     Eventually Izuku begins to awake, much to Bakugou's dismay. Izuku lazily stretched the sleep out of his limbs, his eyes still shut, almost punching Bakugou in the face.

"Oh! Hey K-Kacchan, yourawakethatsgood!" Izuku nervously blurts out, backing away from the bed.

     There eyes met, sending a shiver of fear down Izuku's spine. It was like his eyes were burning into Izuku's skull.

"I-, s-sorry!?" Izuku mumbles, confused on why Bakugou won't say anything.


"What wrong Kacchan..?" Izuku questions timidly.

"You don't know?!" Bakugou asks angrily, glaring at Izuku.

"N-no..?" Izuku replies, he did not in fact know anything about the incident. All he knew was that Bakugou passed out and his mom wanted him to stay with him for some reason.

"Dumbass..." Bakugou replies, looking away.


"Oh, it's mom!" Izuku mumbles happily to himself as he fishes his phone out of his pocket.

Mom: Hey Izu, I hope your awake! I know you may be confused... but Bakugo's Parents were sadly.. killed. He passed out because of shock, that's why he's in the hospital. Mitsuki left her 'will' in her pocket before she died for Katsuki and us. You can read it if you want. Basically she asked us to take over as caretaker of Katsuki, Ive already set up his room for him. I love you! <3
Izuku: WHAT... auntie Mitsuki... is.. dead!??
Mom: Yes 😭😭 it's heartbreaking for me too!
Izuku: Poor Kacchan!!! Well thank you for letting me know mom!! I <3 u 2.

     Izuku stared wide eyed at his phone as he took in what he had just read. Izuku also finally understood why Katsuki was so mad at him for no reason! It was because he was going to have to live with his rival!!

"I-I'm gonna go to the b-bathroom!" Izuku explained nervously before dashing out of the room.

"The hell?" Bakugou blurted out in a confused manner.

    Izuku sat in one of the stalls in the bathroom and started crying unconscious by himself.


     Bakugou grabs his phone to find a text from Inko, he quickly taps on it.

Inko: Hey Katsuki, your room is all done! The doc says you can leave in about 15 min after you have a check up!
Inko: Text me when there done and ile pick you up!
Bakugo: k

     A few minutes later, Izuku awkwardly walked back in and sat back down in his chair. They didn't exchange a singe word, or even a glance at each other.

(After the checkup)

Bakugo: they just finished
Inko: Ok, be outside in 10 min!

"Yo, dumbass, Inko's gonna be here in ten minutes!" Bakugou informed Izuku in the most rude way possible.

"Y-yah! Ok, thanks Kacchan!" Izuku sputtered nervously.

     Eventually Inko arrives and they walked side by side in silence all the way to Inko's car. Izuku sat in the frost seat while Bakugou sat in the back.

"You two kiddos ready to go!" Inko cheered happily, trying to break the tension between the two boys.

"Yeah!" Izuku replied cheerily, raising his fist in the air enthusiastically.

"Yeah I guess" Bakugou replied blankly, looking out the window.

     The rest of the ride there was pretty quiet besides Inko humming along to her music.

"Haha, this place looks the same from when I was like 6!" Bakugou laughs, as he steps into his new home.

"Yah I guess..." Izuku replies, chuckling nervously and scratching the back of his head.

"I think it's very homey!" Inko chimes in, as she crosses her hands and pouts playfully.

"Well... welcome home, Kacchan..." Izuku announced playfully, gesturing around the house.

"Tch, shut it, Deku!" Bakugou says as he starts to chase Izuku around the house.

"AHHHH" Izuku screeches as he runs full speed (without one for all)

"Get back here nerd!!" Bakugou says as he continues to chase Izuku.

"No running or yelling in this house!!" Inko yells at the two who stop dead in there tracks and stare at her in surprise.

"Thanks you!" Inko says with a sinisterly sweet smile.

     Izuku gives her a half smile back and Bakugou chuckles nervously before they both run upstairs together.


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