10 Ways To Annoy Captain!

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Do you honestly think this little marshmallow was safe from this? OF COURSE HE ISN'T THIS BOOK IS FROM ME! >:D


1. Take his guitar and mock him about his singing.

2. Freaking tell him Dum broke up with him. Oops-

3. Place him in the ejection chamber when he's sleeping and then when he wakes, say "It's not even a vote anymore." Hehe...

4. Shove him ok top of Player with so much force that they topple over, one on top of the other. That'll get them both embarrassed as hell-

5. Take his hat and put it on top of TheGentleman's two top hats and watch as he tries to reach it.

6. After he clears his throat, you just shout, "Captain thinks your cute, Player!" Now prepare to run-

7. Steal his candy -///-

8. Make sure he's awake at an absurd hour and then make creepy noises with items to scare him.

9. Tell him Dum never liked him and keep insulting him when he's crying.

10. YEET him off the balcony and shout, "You'll respawn later!"


Poor boy. After annoying him this much, is be very surprised if he kept you on the crew in general.

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